Why Does Cold Sores Come Back Again And Again?

The virus is activated for many different reasons. However, the virus does not always cause any symptoms.
Why does cold sores come back again and again?

Many people suffer from recurrent diseases and health problems that affect various organs. Genetic factors, poor lifestyle and deficiencies in diet can predispose to recurrence of the disease. One of the most common such problems is cold sores or cough pox and the nasty blisters on the lips caused by it. In general, whooping cough is just a cosmetic nuisance and does not pose a health risk.

In this article, we will explain why cold sores recur and how the blisters it causes can be treated naturally.

What causes cold sores?

Herpes blister is a small tingling patti that usually occurs on the lips or oral mucosa and is caused by the herpes virus. There are two types of whooping cough viruses, HSV1 and HSV2. HSV1 usually causes infection in the face, HSV2 in the genitals. In this article, we focus on the HSV1 virus, which is very common – almost everyone is infected with HSV1 and carries the virus in their body.

The first symptom of recurrent herpes is usually numbness of the skin, then stinging and itching. Within hours or by the next day at the latest, the blisters typical of herpes appear. They are most often found on the lips, nostrils, or elsewhere on the face. They can also appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth or throat, even the esophagus. Healing takes from a few days to up to 3-4 weeks.  The heat and stinging is disgusting, and the blister can look uncomfortable.

A woman is treating cold sores

Why do blisters recur?

Some suffer from blisters caused by the virus only once in their lives, but some recur occasionally. The herpes virus cannot be killed or removed from the body, but it can be completely asymptomatic for long periods or for a lifetime.

HSV1 virus infection is usually acquired in childhood and is spread through contact. The virus penetrates the body through the skin and places itself permanently in nerve cells.

The virus can be activated in certain situations or under certain stimuli, causing a blister to the lips. A person may not know they are carrying the virus, and it may not manifest at all.

Triggers of inflammation

The triggers for the virus are not yet fully known, but often the development of blisters and activation of the virus are related to the following factors:

  • Stress. Stress causes an imbalance in the body and attacks the body’s defense system. Usually, herpesvirus activation only appears after a stressful period, and not when stress is at its worst. When the body begins to relax again after stress and restore its normal functions, the virus strikes and causes blisters to form.
  • Inflammation and fever caused by pathogens  predispose to herpesvirus activation.
  • Medication. Certain types of medications, especially antibiotics, can momentarily weaken the defense system and activate the herpes virus.
  • Hormonal changes. Cough pox is often activated during the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy.
  • Extreme weather conditions. Exposure to high temperatures or changes in them and UV radiation increase the risk of cold sores activation.
  • Food allergies and intolerance. Sometimes the body is unable to process certain foods such as gluten, lactose, soy, fruit, etc.… In these cases, the herpes response can be difficult to trace to food intake, as the reaction usually occurs with a delay.
  • Intestinal disorders. Researchers say cold sores may be a sign of inflammation in the gut or stomach ulcers.
Milk and peas

Natural Remedies For Cold Sores

It is important to analyze the above factors that cause herpes activation and keep them in mind. Maybe you’ll find a few reasons on the list that lead to blisters developing in your case and you’ll be able to avoid them in the future. However, not all things on the list can be affected, such as cold sores during pregnancy or a blister caused by inflammation, but by lowering stress levels and avoiding certain foods, you can learn to control the herpes virus.

When blisters appear regularly, you can prevent and treat them with these methods:

  • Beer yeast. This dietary supplement cleanses the skin and removes toxins and waste products. In addition, it balances the function of the nervous system.
  • Sun hat. This medicinal plant is known for its strength in strengthening the defense system. The sun hat can be enjoyed during those seasons when you are more prone to inflammation and disease such as traditional flu or stomach disease. By avoiding inflammatory diseases, you prevent the activation of herpes.
  • Putty wax. Propolis, or beeswax, is a resinous substance collected by bees from the buds of deciduous and coniferous trees and then processed.  This natural antibiotic improves the functioning of the body’s defense system and strengthens the body. Putty can be ingested internally or topically applied directly to the blisters.
  • Psyllium. If the activation of cold sores is due to intestinal problems, this powder made from tendon seeds can facilitate intestinal function without irritating it.
cold sores: treatments: putty

Also, be sure to focus on eating good quality and healthy food, and if you suspect a food allergy, talk to your doctor and make an appointment for allergy tests.

Eliminate foods from your diet that are not suitable for your stomach to prevent the activation of cold sores and disgusting blisters.

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