These 13 Signs On The Face Can Tell About Health Problems

The body often sends signs of problems, and these signs can appear on the face. You may not even be aware of them.
These 13 signs on the face can tell about health problems

Look in the mirror and look on your face for the signs of health problems we listed below. The saying goes that the face is the mirror of the soul, so maybe for that reason they also tell us about our health. In any case, they are one of the best parts of the body that tell the state of health.

13 signs that can tell about health problems

1. Dark rings and bags under the eyes

In general, eye bags are due to hereditary factors. However, if they show up overnight and make you look tired or sick, there may be some health problems. Possible causes of dark under-eye circles include e.g. the following:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Smoking
  • Hormone disorder
  • Poor diet

2. Finns on the forehead

Finns can speak about health problems, such as digestive problems.

Mild acne on the forehead can be caused by digestive problems caused by fatty foods. In this case, it is recommended to make changes in diet.

3. Red nose

The nose is connected to several blood vessels, so if there is a problem with any of them, the color of the nose may change automatically.

If you find that your nose is often redder than usual, see a doctor as soon as possible. It can be a sign of a more serious health problem or just allergies or the flu.

4. Yellow skin and eyes

If the skin and eyes are yellow, the liver is not working properly. Accumulation of slag in the body affects the liver and can cause irritation or other problems.

See a doctor as soon as possible to check the condition of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder and rule out e.g. the possibility of hepatitis and mononucleosis.

5. Changes in creation or birthmarks

Creations and birthmarks should be monitored for changes.


Spots may appear on the skin after a lot of sun exposure. In this case, avoid the sun and use sunscreen regularly. If you notice changes in your creations or birthmarks after exposure to the sun, it is best to see a doctor.

6. Butterfly rash on the face

Butterfly rash is a large red spot on the face and can be caused by several different factors:

  • Eating foods high in sugar
  • About allergies
  • On a sudden change in temperature

It usually goes away on its own, depending on any other symptoms, as it is usually associated with fever or joint pain.

7. Exfoliating skin around the mouth and nose

This is a warning sign of a lack of vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C or E. In addition, you may notice hair loss, brittle nails, and general weakness. In this case, you should add foods containing these vitamins to your diet.

8. Rash on the nose and lips

keep an eye on this sign on your face: herpes

If you notice a rash on your lips or nose, it may be a sign of some form of herpes. It often heals on its own, but it is always worth using the cream.

9. Cracked lips

If your lips crack and are particularly dry, it is important to drink plenty of water. Lip balm can also help. In general, dry lips can be caused by dehydration, sun, or allergies.

10. Overheating of the face

This is usually due to genetic factors, but can also be the result of a hormonal change caused by ovarian polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

11. Pigment spots on the face

Pigment spots can occur e.g.  during pregnancy.

Brown patches occur in many women during pregnancy, such as on the cheeks or in the septum of the nose. They are called pigment spots.

12. Few eyebrows and eyelashes

If you notice that your eyebrows or eyelashes have suddenly thinned for no apparent reason (chemotherapy, surgery), do not ignore this, as it may indicate a problem with your thyroid gland. We recommend going to the doctor.

13. Acne, rash or discoloration of the jaw

The chin is directly related to hormone levels, so acne or rashes in this area can be caused by:

  • Hormone disorders
  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress

Aim to eat healthier by adding more vegetables to your diet and pay general attention to your lifestyle.

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