Sciatica During Pregnancy: Causes And Treatment

Sciatica is a common ailment in late pregnancy. It can be controlled and prevented from affecting normal life with the right kind of treatment.
Sciatica during pregnancy: causes and treatment

Sciatica is a very severe pain that runs from the back of the foot up to the heel. This is due to sciatic nerve irritation or inflammation. This condition affects more than half of pregnant women and usually begins in the sixth month of pregnancy. Below we explain what causes sciatica during pregnancy, what the symptoms are and how it is treated.

Sciatica during pregnancy

The whys and wherefores

Many things can weigh on the sciatic nerve during pregnancy, but they all have the same origin: the anatomical and hormonal changes that take place in the mother’s body as the fetus develops in the womb.

This creates various problems:

  • Uterine growth in the abdominal cavity pushes some internal organs out of place, which can cause damage to the sciatic nerve.
  • The position of the uterus and fetus usually causes the mother to push her hips forward to maintain balance, which changes the focus of her body. This causes the feet to separate more and the back to curve too far back, creating a position that can press on the sciatic nerve.
  • In late pregnancy, the secretion of the hormone relaxin increases. This increases uterine enlargement, while ligaments throughout the body become more flexible. As a result, many joints are more unstable and contractures become more common.

Symptoms of sciatica during pregnancy

Sciatica can cause severe pain

The intensity of the pain varies depending on how much pressure is applied to the sciatic nerve. Some women say the pain is very intense and crippling, while others notice only mild discomfort.

The most common symptoms are:

  • In mild sciatica, the pain extends from the lower back to the buttocks and usually affects only limited areas.
  • In more severe sciatica, the pain radiates to the leg and may even extend to the knee and heel.
  • The pain may be exacerbated by coughing or sneezing.
  • Numbness and muscle weakness may occur.
  • In the most severe cases, pain can lead to reduced mobility.

Sciatica during pregnancy: prevention and treatment

Yoga helps treat sciatica during pregnancy

By following certain precautions, this ailment can be treated and curbed, making you feel more tolerable during pregnancy. This will also prevent further damage to the sciatic nerve.

Here are some tips:

  • Remember weight management during pregnancy.
  • Exercise in moderation. Physical activity, such as walking, swimming, yoga and pilates, help strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  • Heat treatment. Applying heat to a sore area relaxes and relieves pain.
  • Place a pillow between your legs if you sleep on your side, or under your feet if you sleep on your stomach.
  • Use a hip belt to help distribute abdominal weight more evenly and maintain a proper posture.
  • Choose the right kind of footwear that adapts to the natural arch of your back. High heels are not recommended.
  • If you have to sit still for long periods of time, try to take breaks every couple of hours by walking or stretching your legs.
  • If the pain is severe, you may want to consult a physiotherapist who can massage the area locally to relax the muscles.
  • It is very important not to treat yourself with NSAIDs. Contact your doctor instead.

Remember that a doctor is the professional to turn to for all kinds of health problems. Changes in the body during pregnancy bring with them certain consequences, but by treating them you can enjoy a healthy and happy pregnancy.

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