Remove Bad Body Odors Naturally

Eliminate bad odors from your body naturally

Hot summer temperatures, heavy sweating, snuggling outdoors wrapped in many layers of clothing, throwing from place to place during the day, use of synthetic materials… All this and many other factors can lead to sweating. Sweat, in turn, causes a bad odor in both the armpits and legs. Fortunately, the body’s bad odors are eliminated by easy and natural means that refresh smelly shoes and armpits. Keep reading!

Where do bad body odors come from and why?

foot odor bad smell

An unpleasant odor can occur in any part of the body, but most often it occurs in areas that don’t get much air, where there are a lot of sweat glands, and where bacteria thrive. E Advisory Board’s armpits, legs and crotch are prone to odors.  Many microorganisms living on the skin washed in humid places, such as those areas. As the temperature in these areas rises and the skin sweats, bacteria can multiply. Bad odors are created when increased bacteria secrete gases.

In addition, the armpits and legs are rich in sweat glands that release water (sweat) during exercise and in hot weather to lower the body’s rising temperature. For the same reason, sweating during a fever is due.

Sweating also has another purpose: it eliminates toxins from the body. With this natural process, small saline water droplets that pass through the skin carry with them slag and other harmful substances that accumulate in the body.

Sweating and bad smells

armpit smell of evil odors

When we sweat, a bad smell is created. The sweat itself does not smell, but when it comes in contact with bacteria on the skin, the smell begins to develop. We sweat especially when the temperature is hot, when we play sports and sometimes we sweat due to hormonal factors. In women, hot flushes of menopausal symptoms often cause sweating. Certain stages of the menstrual cycle can also predispose you to sweating, as well as the hormonal changes of your teens, for both girls and boys.

We may also sweat due to mental stimuli, such as being stressed, nervous, or tense. Being overweight also exposes you to heavy sweating.

The use of poor quality shoes made of an impermeable material and with poor air circulation often causes the feet to sweat. Your feet sweat throughout the day. The moisture caused by sweating does not escape but is packaged inside the shoe, creating bacteria in the foot and, in the worst case, fungal growth. Both bacteria and fungi cause an unpleasant odor. The situation can be exacerbated by the use of socks made of synthetic materials, so cotton socks are always preferred. 

bad smells away with talc

The same rule applies to other garments. If you use synthetic fabrics that tighten and squeeze, air will not circulate between the skin and the garment. Sweating can increase, especially in the armpits and crotch. Prefer natural fiber clothing made of cotton or linen, especially when choosing underwear and shirts.

Did you know that diet also has a direct effect on body odor? If you consume a lot of white sugar, fried foods, animal fats, processed meats and unhealthy foods, your body needs to remove significantly more toxins and waste products from the unhealthy diet. The body pushes waste products onto the surface of the skin, which can cause an increase and intensity of bad odor. The best way to avoid this is to enjoy a healthy diet, lots of vegetables and fruits (especially raw), whole grains, nuts, legumes and plenty of water (at least 2 liters a day or more if you exercise a lot).

Eliminate bad odors from your body naturally

The natural way to remove bad odor is to take care of hygiene.  Take a shower once a day, twice if you sweat a lot during the day. Take a shower after a hard workout and do not allow sweat to dry on the skin. Wash armpits, back, flexions and groin thoroughly. Do not wash the crotch with soap, but use plain water or a gentle and fragrance-free soap for the area.

Do not use an antiperspirant sold in an aerosol bottle or as a cream in the armpits, as these can clog the pores. The use of these creates a vicious circle in which you clog the pores with an antiperspirant, which leads to a worsening of the odor, thus adding an antiperspirant. Choose natural or homemade deodorants that do not clog pores  and do not contain harmful chemicals.

Homemade deodorant

  • 5 mint leaves
  • 5 rosemary leaves
  • 250 ml of water

Bring the ingredients to a boil together, allow to cool, strain and pour into a glass jar. You can use a deodorant every day. Swim the cotton swab in the mixture and rub it on your armpits and legs.

If you sweat a lot, you may want to bring an extra tea shirt or undershirt. This way, the bad smells of your body don’t have time to stick to the fabric and you stay fresh all day. Essential oils such as lavender can help prevent bad odors.

Bad odor can also be prevented internally. Try leafy green and green tea. Leafy green helps remove toxins and waste products from the body, resulting in less bad odor. Leaf green is available in capsule form from many health food stores. You can also grow wheat in a wide container, let it grow and then cut it off and use in smoothies or juices.

Green tea is an easy way to cleanse the body and in addition it raises the body temperature and burns extra fat. Enjoy one or two cups of green tea a day.

If the odor from the armpits is due to excessive use of deodorant, we recommend regular exfoliation of the armpits with lemon and baking soda. Exfoliation should be performed in the evening, as lemon juice can cause damage to the skin in direct sunlight. You can also mix a drop of water with baking soda to form a paste suitable for use on your armpits and feet.

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