Kidney Cleansing Drink From Watermelon Seeds

Fruit seeds can promote digestive function as well as strengthen the kidneys. Therefore, watermelon seeds, for example, are worth recovering and can easily be used to make a health-promoting tea drink.
Kidney cleansing drink from watermelon seeds

Everyone knows the benefits of watermelon: it is a healthy, nutritious and refreshing fruit that is a great treat especially on hot summer days. However, watermelon seeds are usually left unused as they are normally thrown in the trash. Sometimes that fruit is even sold “seedless” so that the eater doesn’t have to spend his time cleaning every single slice.

However, these seeds should not be discarded as they have great health benefits. If consumed in the right amount and in the right way, a drink made from watermelon seeds can help remove toxic substances that have accumulated in the body and strengthen the kidneys.

So this time, we ’re going to talk about the use of watermelon seeds in making a drink – keep reading if you want to enjoy the many good effects of this special but great health drink !


woman holding her belly

What are the benefits of eating watermelon seeds?

Who wouldn’t love watermelon? This colorful and sweet seasonal fruit is in the summer and provides the body with plenty of hydration, minerals and antioxidants, while also preventing fluid buildup. For most people, however, watermelon seeds have no purpose and are thus usually discarded. If you do this, you will miss out on many great health benefits, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Great effects of small seeds as a laxative


a drink from watermelon seeds is good for the kidneys

The seeds of most fruits have a small laxative effect on the body, meaning they improve the function of digestion. However, in the case of watermelon seeds, the effect is greater than usual, as they are larger in size than, for example, strawberry seeds. Large size may also be a reason not to eat these seeds, but you should take full advantage of their properties by making a drink from them. With this brew you can fight constipation in a natural way – watermelon seeds are a great laxative!

Cleanse your body of toxic substances and improve the condition of your kidneys

A drink made from watermelon seeds has been used for centuries to cleanse the kidneys and treat kidney stones. Indeed, these seeds have an effective cleansing effect on the body, as they help to remove waste accumulated in the body and improve kidney function. In addition, they are able to prevent the formation of kidney stones.


watermelon and melon drink

In addition to taking care of your kidney health, you should also enjoy a drink made from watermelon seeds to control your blood pressure.

They have a lot of energy

Along with watermelon seeds, a large number of excellent health benefits also end up in the trash. Did you know that the seeds of this sweet fruit are extremely nutritious? This is an essential benefit especially because the seeds are rich in lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant (it is also found in tomatoes). In addition, they produce large amounts of magnesium and zinc.

Also, consider the following if you are not yet convinced of the benefits of watermelon seeds:

They have a very small number of calories. Despite this, watermelon seeds are high in energy, making them a very good choice for people who are recovering or have exhaustion. They are also a great addition on days when you wouldn’t even be able to even get out of bed.

How can watermelon seeds be used to make a drink?


red juice

This is a very easy recipe. The drink made from watermelon seeds is highly medicinal and is great especially for people with kidney problems or recurrent urinary tract infections. So keep the following instructions in mind if you want to improve your well-being with watermelon!


  • 40 grams of watermelon seeds (choose organically produced watermelon for this)
  • 1 liter of water
  • 150 grams of watermelon chopped

How is this drink made?

  • Grind the watermelon seeds into a fine powder to make preparation more convenient.
  • Bring the water to a boil and place the ground seeds in boiling water. Let the liquid heat on low heat for half an hour. Then take the pot off the stove and let the stew cool for another hour. Strain your drink and collect this medical liquid.
  • What next? Then put the chopped watermelon and your stew in a blender, stir, and leave the liquid in the refrigerator, preferably in a glass bottle, so you can keep it safe from any unpleasant tastes.

How should I drink a drink made from watermelon seeds?

  • This drink should always be consumed at room temperature. Take the first cup in the morning on an empty stomach, and then always half an hour after a meal. Follow this guideline for two days each week until you achieve the desired results for your health.
  • It is important to remember that no sugar should be added to this drink. However, if you want to use some sweetener, you can put a sip of honey. It is also worth remembering that although watermelon may not be available as fresh fruit throughout the year, the seeds of this fruit can be obtained from health food stores at any time of the year.
  • Monitor the results of the treatment and act on it in the future. However, keep in mind that you should never exceed the recommended 40 grams of seeds. Also, do not eat seeds raw and as such, as digestion may not be handled very well.

Get our recipe and start improving your health with a drink made from watermelon seeds  !

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