Hugs And Their Healing Power

The power of hugs is greater than you might think.
Hugs and their healing power

Hugs. We all need hugs. They make us feel better, lighten our burdens, and create a sense of being loved. It is important to both receive and give hugs. Sometimes this experience can be all it takes to heal your soul.

Hugs are a way to express affection, understanding, love and acceptance. A hug says “everything is OK” and it says “I’m here with you”. Everyone always needs hugs sometimes.

In many of our articles, we’ve talked about the essence of loving and self-esteem, and the importance of the ability to fight your dreams and avoid negative relationships.

Today, we want to tell you more  about the impact of the regular execution of this expression of love – for a hug involves much more than just being in contact with two bodies. A hug is not just about putting your heart against another person’s heart, it’s about being open and hugging another soul.

How is it about you, do you hug people you love every day?

A hug cures as well as curbs fears

Let’s start by telling about the power of hugs that can solve problems without almost any words. You’ve probably experienced this yourself, for example, after arguing with your children or partner when you don’t know what else you could do to fix the situation.

There are times when controversy comes almost throughout the day, and the result is words that bring with them a lot of tension. At some point, the human mind will no longer be able to think, but there are still feelings that will tell you that you love that person, and you will be hurt that you have not found a solution to your dispute.

Teen hugs

Something as simple as a hug can instantly relieve tension  and instantly remove stress and despair. Suddenly, everything unites for good: your body, your feelings, and your worries.

Another thing to keep in mind regarding romantic relationships is that it is very common to experience moments of doubt, fear, and worry.

  • There are times when a relationship becomes a routine  and when each day is just like the previous one. Somehow the magic that once existed has disappeared between you. That’s when questions come to mind.
  • You start to be scared, and you ask yourself if your partner still loves you and if he or she will want you in the future. You doubt if your relationship will remain strong.
  • In that case, it is necessary to show the true state of affairs. Some days it’s not enough to say “everything is fine, of course,” “of course I love you,” or “why on earth do you think things like that?”. You don’t want to hear words in moments like this, you need deeds. And there is no better solution to this than a long and quiet hug.

Remember that there are many different ways to hug, and whenever you get a hug, it’s good to feel that it’s real, really emotional in another, and genuine. Thus your fears will disappear, and the whole universe will become one and united – it can truly be said that in such a hug you will feel a connection with the afterlife.

Hugs connect you to the world and the people you love

in love

The best hugs are the ones you get just the moment you need them most. That way, you can truly understand what defines your own life and your own heart.

  • Many hands-on experiments have focused on giving someone “an unknown person” free hugs. This is a positive experience that brings intimacy. However, it is the case that the most important hugs – the most therapeutic – come from the people you love.
  • If a hug connects you to the world, it’s because the hug comes from someone important to you. Think, for example, of what children would be like if they did not have constant physical contact, such as ironing or morning and evening hugs.
  • A hug is a way to identify a person – be it an adult, a child or an elderly person – so that they have roots. A hug tells a person that he is a part of you, and that you see him, love him, and wrap him in your embrace, for he is a part of your soul.
  • There is nothing better in this world than the relief brought by a hug when this show of affection comes at just the right moment and is given sincerely. The heart then comes to life and a person’s self-esteem is strengthened.  A hug will then make you feel good, as endorphins are excreted in your body.

If the other doesn’t hug you, you hug her!

mother and child

Sometimes people complain that their children or spouse seem “cold,” and that they don’t seem to need hugs or affection, or even reject hugs.

This is part of a person’s personality. However, it is the case that if the other does not give you a hug, this does not mean that he does not need or appreciate your hug. There are people who find it difficult to show this emotional need  – they don’t dare to do it, and so it looks like they don’t even want a hug.

  • As children grow to a certain age, they begin to associate hugs with some expressions of affection that take them back to childhood as they struggle for their own independence.
  • Don’t worry if this happens, and don’t get mad at your kids or think they won’t love you. Believe it or not, a sudden, secretive and intense hug will make your children smile on their lips, even if it also brings blushing.

We all need daily hugs and sudden hugs so we can strengthen the bonds we experience with other people.  A hug reminds us that the other is next to you to support you and never ceases to love you. A hug tells you that you are the best thing in another person’s life.

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