How To Clear Your Mind

How to clear the mind

After reading many articles on meditation, you may have decided to put on comfortable clothes, sit in a lotus position, close your eyes, and wait for your mind to clear. However, it may seem like it would never happen. Emptying the mind is very difficult. Learning to clear your mind is usually quite difficult, especially at the beginning or if you feel stressed. In this article, we will tell you how to clear your mind and how you can practice in it.

How to clear the mind?

We cannot turn our minds off

Our minds are (thankfully) not a device that can be turned off. The process of clearing the mind is a little more complicated than pulling the plug out or pressing a button. So how does it work, how to clear the mind?

The question we should think about is, does our brain really have to be thinking nothing in order to meditate?  Meditation teachers will probably tell you that this must be the case, but it still seems that it would not be mandatory to experience “enlightenment”.

How to clear your mind - take meditation to help you.

This is because the complete loss of thoughts is complicated and happens only by waving a magic wand. After all, we cannot shut down our minds when we want to.

It may be enough to close your eyes and pay attention to what is happening in your body. For example, you can focus on how air flows to your lungs as you breathe. You can also pay attention to how your spine aches due to poor posture – we’re used to being in a bad position for days on end. Why not enjoy the moment and listen to relaxing music, birdsong or the noise of the sea?

Thoughts pop into our minds without asking and also disappear from there in the same way. The more we try to stop them, the more they try to get themselves out. Therefore, you should not try to fight them, but rather accept them and wait for them to disappear from your mind.

Don’t try to get your mind completely empty

For many people, the goal is to clear the mind completely while meditating. But this is not really what you should be trying to do. You should try to aim for calmness and the ability to notice what is happening around you and in yourself.  

If your mind is disturbed by something other than the fact that you are sorry that you have not achieved “purity of mind”, you should be happy! You see, this means that you are aware of your environment and that thoughts come to your mind that you need to solve or work on.

Meditation brings clarity to the mind

Meditation is not an attempt or an effort, but rather a way to explore oneself  and find peace in the best possible way.

Is it possible that you will find peace in your hectic mind? Maybe it is, but it’s all up to you. Try this new form of meditation and weigh whether it’s the right way for you or not. You will certainly face some positive effects, as well as effects that are not so positive. In any case, meditation will help you calm down a bit and push the things you think will control you at night. 

Also, remember that there are also empty moments between your thoughts spinning in your mind. Sometimes they are long and sometimes short, but empty all the same! These moments of mind clarity and silence will make you enjoy the experience.

With exercise, these moments become more and more common, also lasting longer. The purpose is to try not to force this, but to allow it to be a natural consequence of repeated meditation. Simply dedicate yourself to enjoying the experience. It’s going to be pleasant and definitely worth the wait.

Meditation clarifies thoughts.

The walker creates his own path

When you reach your goal, you will find, as in other things, that the most important thing was the trip itself. This can be applied to any situation in your daily life!

The benefits of meditation are not only present when you sit meditating with your legs crossed, eyes closed, repeating the “om” syllable and mantras. Meditation can benefit you at any time, even when you are working, traveling by train, or preparing dinner.

All our actions can be meditation, for our minds do not have to be completely empty to  meditate well! The key thing, as you have certainly inferred so far, is to be attentive to what is happening in each moment. The process of reaching an empty space between your thoughts happens before you know it, so don’t worry about it.

“Once the Buddha was asked, ‘What are you and your disciples doing?’ He replied, “We sit, walk, and eat.” “But don’t everyone sit, walk and eat?” the man asked. “Yes, but when we sit, we know we’re sitting. When we walk, we know we are walking, and when we eat, we know we are eating, ”the Buddha replied.


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