How Can I Prevent Excessive Sweating?

Hyperhidrosis or hyperhidrosis is one of the body’s ways to cleanse itself of toxins and regulate body temperature.
How can excessive sweating be prevented?

Hyperhidrosis is a real nuisance for some people. The good news is that there are several solutions to excessive sweating. Below we tell you how to prevent excessive sweating.

Excessive sweating is a solvable problem

Hyperhidrosis or hyperhidrosis is one of the body’s ways to remove toxins and stabilize body temperature. Sweating is common, usually when playing sports or when it is very hot or humid outside.

Why is this happening? The main purpose of sweating is to regulate body temperature, that is, it is the body’s means of cooling down and protecting the organs by keeping the body temperature stable.

All people sweat 24/7. It becomes a problem when it becomes excessive and interferes with the life of the sufferer. The biggest problems for a person with hyperhidrosis are the sweatbands visible in the armpits, the bad smell of sweaty feet, and moisture in the palms, which can make shaking or holding hands uncomfortable.

All of this is presumably very unpleasant in many social situations.

Types of hyperhidrosis

The problem for those who suffer from excessive sweating are visible sweat bumps

To treat excessive sweating, you must first know what type of sweating it is. Thus, there are two types of hyperhidrosis: primary and secondary.

  • Primary hyperhidrosis usually occurs in connection with feelings of stress or shame, although the cause may sometimes remain unclear.
  • Secondary hyperhidrosis, on the other hand, is excessive sweating associated with a disease; these include diabetes, fever, hyperthyroidism, or medication, for example.

In addition to this classification, hyperhidrosis can be divided into several different degrees, where the mildest is difficult to notice and the strongest causes huge problems in a person’s life.

How can excessive sweating be prevented?

According to doctors, this uncomfortable problem can be prevented in many different ways today. Let’s take a closer look at a few methods:

Excessive sweating can be prevented by using antiperspirants

Mild hyperhidrosis can be prevented by using antiperspirants

The use of antiperspirant is common and can be an excellent solution for those who suffer from a milder type of hyperhidrosis.

There are many types of antiperspirants; for yourself the best option can be found by trying different.

Botulinum injections for hyperhidrosis

In recent years, botulinum toxin has become one of the most popular treatments for hyperhidrosis.

What does this treatment consist of?

It injects botulinum into the most sweaty areas of the body, such as the armpits, feet and palms. It paralyzes the sweat glands for 3-6 months. It is an effective and immediate treatment, but its downside is that it is not a permanent solution.

Excessive sweating can be prevented by iontophoresis

Excessive sweating can be prevented by iontophoresis

Iontophoresis is a new form of treatment that can be an excellent solution for hyperhidrosis. It applies weak electrical currents to the body during the bath.

It can help curb excessive sweating for a short time; the duration can vary from a few hours to three days. One of the problems with this treatment is that it does not work for everyone, and even when it is effective, the help it provides is only short-lived.

Excessive sweating can be prevented with surgery

Excessive sweating can also be prevented with surgery, which is of course the most extreme and expensive option. In addition, in some cases, compensatory sweating may occur elsewhere in the body, such as the legs or back.

Whatever option you choose, it is important to be well aware of it and seek the advice of a professional who will give you the best guidance on the method.

The good news, then, is that excessive sweating can be prevented, it only depends on which option the patient and the doctor together consider best.

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