Harmful Effects Of Anger

When we get angry or furious, the body’s muscles and tendons become tense, blood flows more slowly, and the normal functioning of the brain, central nervous system, and hormones changes.
Adverse effects of anger

Rage or anger can hardly be completely avoided by anyone, but Did you know that feelings of anger (either towards yourself or others) have a detrimental effect on your entire body? Emotions have a direct connection to the functioning of the body. In this article, we will explore what anger does to the body and health, and how feelings of anger can be managed and avoided.

Anger, irritability, and fear are the most stressful and stressful emotions for the body. These emotions directly affect the functioning of the heart and other organs, as well as the state of mind. Feeding feelings of anger and bursts of rage eat a person from within and have a clear negative effect on the functioning of the whole body.

There is as yet no consistent scientific evidence on the impact of emotions on body health, but many studies suggest that negative emotions can even shorten life.

Avoid anger to live longer and better

Happiness and a good life are known to prolong life and reduce the risk of developing various diseases. Curbing anger and contentment are the most important keys to longevity and a healthy life.

The muscles and tendons of a raging body tense, blood flow slows down, and the balance of the body’s nervous, circulatory, and hormonal systems is upset. Blood pressure rises, the heart beats, testosterone flows in the body, and brain function changes (especially in the temporal lobe and forehead). In addition, the body produces an extra dose of bile fluid that flows to different places in the body.


Anger, irritation, and other feelings that raise blood pressure have been found to produce the following side effects in the body:

angry child


Cardiac arrhythmia

The physical and mental stress and strain caused by anger can, at worst, lead to a heart attack, heart arrhythmia, or other heart-related problems.

Liver damage

In addition to the liver, rage damages the gallbladder, as feelings of anger secrete more bile than normal. Biliary fluid is excreted through the bladder, which also causes the bladder to suffer from the side effects of excessive bile.

Muscle pain

Whether you are angry with your boss, partner, children, or fellow travelers on a business trip, your body angrily produces adrenaline. Adrenaline is an important hormone that keeps the body alert and functional in a threatening situation. Prolonged and excessive excretion of adrenaline into the body can lead to muscle pain and cramps as well as severe headaches. The muscles of the neck, shoulders and back can feel stiff and painful as they easily store body tension.

get rid of anger



Anger, stress, fear, and tension can alter bowel function. Persistent feelings of anger can, at worst, lead to irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, or inflammation of the colon, and diarrhea.


Gastric catarrh is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach that can be caused by constant rage. Symptoms of gastric catarrh include e.g. reflux disease, abdominal pain and a burning sensation in the stomach. In gastritis, acidic fluids in the stomach cause inflammation. In addition to stomach upset, anger and irritation can cause stomach ulcers.


Itching of the skin, rash, dermatitis and other skin symptoms may be due to anger. In addition to anger, the condition of the skin is affected by tension, stress, nervousness, anxiety and fear – all of which can cause an itchy gust and the subsequent disgusting rash. If you have wounds on your skin, they may become more susceptible to inflammation as feelings of anger cause the wounds to become irritated and heal more slowly.

anger causes skin symptoms


Anger harms health

Temperamental people can mouth easily, while others are calm and fit by nature. Everyone gets angry sometimes, but if you find yourself constantly feeling angry and irritated, you need to think about why and try to resolve the situation. Rage affects not only you but also your loved ones.

There can be many reasons for outrage.  If you live in a particularly stressful time, the pressure can escape as a rage attack. Some inflate their negative feelings and do not tell or deal with them, allowing them to erupt in inappropriate ways.

Anger is normal and it is recommended that when something is annoying, it is worth unwinding to either a friend or a partner. Talking about rage calms down and you see things from a different perspective. If your partner’s behavior is annoying, it’s worth talking about, don’t leave your feelings untouched, otherwise they will grow to enormous proportions.

Feelings of anger can also arise from a threatening situation, stress, or experiences beyond the person’s control. Suppressing anger is never the right way to deal with emotions, as it can lead to physical and mental problems.

strive for calm


How do I avoid anger?

According to psychologists, the most important aspect of managing anger is self-control. The hard rhythm and adversity of life exposes you to feelings of anger, and sometimes pent-up feelings burst into the air because of something small and insignificant. If you’re stressed and the train home is late, anger can suddenly take over and you get a rage in the middle of the train platform.

It is important to take the time to relax yourself, even in the middle of a rush, so that you have time to think about things and deal with everything that happened during the day. Long commutes, strenuous daily activities at work and at home, money worries, relationship problems and personal problems should be addressed and should be able to be treated calmly and with a clear mind.

Change your habits little by little and give yourself at least ten minutes a day for sheer relaxation and energy concentration. Try meditation, yoga, breathing exercises or enjoy a cup of tea at the kitchen table without other people and a phone or computer. Read a good book for a moment and focus on the feelings of your body. Spend time outdoors in the woods or in the backyard, listening to the soothing sounds of the world.

woman on the beach


The ideal place to relax is a clean and tidy room that smells fresh. Burn a soothing scented candle or incense and listen to relaxing music. Classical music, meditation music, or the sounds of nature help you relax and focus on the moment. Close your eyes, take a deep breath through your nose and let this quiet moment calm your mind and body.

When you feel anger bubbling beneath the surface, try to keep in mind this feeling of serenity you experienced earlier in the day or the day before. By practicing relaxation and meditation daily, you will be able to control anger and irritation more easily. Another good way to curb irritation is to breathe deeply and count to ten slowly. Get rid of feelings of anger, unpack them in a developing way, and don’t dam them inside you.

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