“Grandma ” Laundry – 5 Easy And Affordable Solutions

As your white towels start to turn yellow as a result of prolonged use, you might want to try these easy and quick tricks to help you whiten your towels at home and affordably.
"Grandma's" laundry - 5 easy and inexpensive solutions

Laundry is mandatory for all. Fabrics and towels are important tools not only to dry the body, but also to wipe off various liquids in the event of splashes and spills. Over time, however, it is common for these fabrics and laundry to begin to become stained despite being constantly washed.

Stains are caused by food, dead skin cells, and sweat, as well as a wide variety of dirt, and they make fabrics look uncomfortable. In this case, the temptation is to throw away the textiles, but this is not worth doing.

Namely, there are a wide variety of stain removal products that can be used to make fabrics and towels look fresher. This prolongs their service life and keeps textiles looking shimmer even over a long period of time. Washing natural substances is therefore possible.

While some of these stain removers are high in chemicals and also cost a lot, there are also less expensive and homemade alternatives that can provide similar results.

In this article, we’d like to introduce a few “grandma’s” cleaning tips so you can bleach towels and other home fabrics affordably. Many of these options are also more natural than trade in chemical products.

Take note of the instructions and give it a try – towel bleaching at home is easy!

1. Sodium silicate as a bleaching agent


Sodium silicate is an artificial product used in the manufacture of many washing powders and other cleaning products.

In this case, we recommend that you combine a small amount of sodium silicate with dishwashing detergent, as this will make your towels soft, white and clean.

Necessary ingredients

  • 2 liters of water
  • 2 tablespoons dishwashing detergent
  • 1 tablespoon sodium silicate

How is this treatment implemented?

  • First you should wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself, and then you should heat two liters of water in which you put dishwashing detergent and sodium silicate.
  • Once the mixture is at boiling point, put the towels in it to soak it. Let the textiles stand for about 20 minutes so you can bleach them effectively.
  • After this time, rinse the towels with warm water and allow them to dry naturally.

2. Vinegar

Vinegar is a completely natural product. It is also able to clean and disinfect various areas of the home as well as  remove stains from fabrics and soften them.

This is an ideal product for cleaning towels, as it helps keep them fluffy, absorbent and free of bad odors or mold.

Necessary ingredients

  • 125 ml of vinegar
  • 60 ml of laundry detergent

How is this laundry implemented?

  • Put vinegar and laundry detergent in the main compartment of the washing machine.
  • Select the cold temperature option from your washing programs and start the machine. When the washing is over, let the towels dry naturally.
  • If stains are more difficult to remove, apply vinegar to those areas. Leave it on the cloth for a while before washing the towels.

3. Baking soda

Bleach towels with baking soda

If you use baking soda to keep your towels looking fresh, you will also be able to keep them soft and remove any stains.

This product is a disinfectant and antifungal option that removes the bacteria  left on the towels for a week. These features neutralize bad odors and keep your towels looking clean.

Necessary ingredients

  • 60 g baking soda
  • Hot water (appropriate amount)

How is this treatment implemented?

  • Heat as much water as you think is necessary. Then add 60 g of baking soda for each towel you want to bleach.
  • Soak the towels in the liquid for an hour,  and then put them in the washing machine so you can wash them with a regular washing program.
  • If the fabrics have stains that are difficult to remove, put baking soda and lemon juice directly on those areas with a spoon, and rub the fabric.

4. Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is, of course, oily, which is why many suspect it will stain fabrics. The truth is, however, that  this oil can be combined with laundry detergent and dry bleach, and thus fabrics can be kept white and stain-free.

Necessary ingredients

  • Water (appropriate amount)
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil
  • 2 tablespoons dry bleach
  • 1/2 tablespoon of eco-friendly laundry detergent

How is this treatment implemented?

  • Boil enough water and then add sunflower oil, dry bleach and laundry detergent.
  • Soak the towels in the mixture for several hours.
  • Finally, rinse the fabrics by hand or put them in the washing machine to make the mixture rinse off.

5. Ammonia and vinegar

Bleach towels in the washing machine

If you add a mixture of ammonia and vinegar to the washing machine, you will get clean and soft towels and remove any unpleasant odors from them. Laundry with these substances is also desirable for washing sheets and towels.

Ammonia is used in cleaning and prevents the detergent from sticking to the fibers of the fabric.

This treatment also includes vinegar, which  disinfects the towel and leaves it with a soft and fresh scent.

Necessary ingredients

  • 125 ml of vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon ammonia

How is this treatment implemented?

  • Put vinegar in the detergent drawer in your washing machine, and then pour in the ammonia.
  • Remember to protect yourself, i.e. wear gloves if you wash your towels this way.
  • Put the full program on in the washing machine. Once the wash is over, you may notice that your towels look shiny.

Are you ready to try these alternative home fabrics to freshen towels and other fabrics? Choose the one you like, and you can prevent money from being spent on expensive stain removers that also contain aggressive chemicals. Bleach your towels in a smart way – with Grandma’s advice!


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