“Flow ” Fights Stress Effectively

As stress puts the body in an alarm state so that it can escape the perceived threat, it is important to learn to prioritize the different things in life and let them flow. Start fighting stress today!
"Flow" fights stress effectively

The so-called flow mode is a simple and awesome way to look at daily life, and it allows you to fight stress as well as pay full attention to yourself so you can be happier.

Mihály Csikszentmihályi  is one of the best known experts in the psychology of happiness and is the father of the concept of flow.

Thanks to the numerous works and other materials he has written that emphasize the importance of a peaceful state of being and “positive experiences,”  millions of people have been able to achieve a more focused and relaxed feeling  about their jobs and responsibilities.

This time, we want to invite you to learn a little more about that interesting trend, the flow , so that you can gradually incorporate it into your own life as well as unravel the repressive stress inside your knot. Keep reading!

Flow is a state of inner peace that allows you to find joy in life

For Mihály Csikszentmihály, happiness is, in fact, equal to the state of flow. This state of being means that a person has inner harmony, and he feels at peace with something concrete.

If you think about the nature of momentary stress, you will find that it is actually the opposite of flow mode. Stress means the experience of being limited and detached, in which case you feel bound – there can be many different circumstances.

In other words, a stressed person becomes a prisoner of their own fears, worries, or responsibilities.

  • Stress prevents a person from progressing. So day after day you are tied to the same things.
  • Stress makes a person believe that he will never get to what he is aiming for: you will not have enough time then.
  • You will never have enough hours a day to reach the goals you set for yourself.
  • Your brain processes stress, preparing your body to escape the perceived threat.
  • Your mind will then not be able to achieve rest and inner balance as it will not be allowed to relax. You are always alert and excited, and your gaze is focused on tomorrow and what you need to achieve.

All of these are clear enemies of the realization of the flow state, which we will define in more detail below.

big tree and beautiful landscape

Learn to enjoy everything you do

No doubt you already know that there are a myriad of different techniques to combat stress. Nonetheless, one thing is certain: no one can simply simply leave their jobs, and their family cannot just “kick into the yard”.

These are the two areas where stress, tension and anxiety almost always focus.

You can do breathing exercises, go for walks and even try prescription medications as prescribed by your doctor to reduce stress. It is the case, however, that some spiritual method that allows you to see reality differently will always be a more effective option than these aids.

This is why learning Flow is very important!

  • The movement involved in Flow mode requires that you should look at things differently and learn to enjoy them. Above all, it means you have to slow down and be present. To do this, you should also learn to set priorities for yourself.
  • A person who learns Flow gets into a positive state of mind and maximum concentration. She is feeling good about what she is doing and because of this she can get away from the excitement and stress she is experiencing.

This is how you get Flow moving

At this point, one thing needs to be clear: it’s not possible to simply click flow mode on at work in one day, especially if you’re suffering from a lot of stress. So it would be ideal if you could start in some areas of your life other than work to get into this state of tranquility.

Once you get started, you can expand the range covered by the flow mode. Here are some examples of how to approach Flow:

Find a hobby you like that suits your character. Those who paint, for example, gain access to the experience of peace and tranquility in the flow state very quickly, and in addition, this hobby is enjoyable.

Indeed, painting or drawing with watercolors, charcoal, or other similar tools can be truly therapeutic. If you have time to paint every day for at least an hour, very good!

Another good option that usually has effective results is known as “flow yoga”. This type of yoga originated in India, but quickly became popular in the United States as well, and was then discovered by the rest of the world.

This type of yoga is about more physical and intense yoga  and combines natural sounds or mantras to develop strength, flexibility and balance. Flow yoga is very energy boosting, and usually at the end of the session there is a relaxation that connects the person to their innermost being.

yoga and meditation help in the state of flow

Flow in a person’s daily life and in the fight against stress

For example, if you practice yoga or coloring mandalas (or anything that relaxes you as well as allows you to focus),  you will gradually be able to learn to  achieve a state of flow, and you can reach peace in other areas of your life as well.

  • Another great effect of this state is that flow allows a person to put aside things that hurt or prevent him. With it, you will learn to set priorities and combat stress and anxiety.
  • It is always healthy to imagine daily life as if it were a leaf floating in a river and carried forward in the water by a relaxing whisper of the stream.
  • This progression is about pure balance,  and nothing is too much or too little. If something is too much, it will fall to the bottom.
  • Stress is one such thing that makes a person fall to the bottom. If you then want to get back to the surface and move freely, you need to let the stress go as well as enjoy every minute of your journey.

If this topic interests you, you can learn more about flow, for example, from the book Flow, a Psychology of Happiness, written by Mihály Csikszentmihályi, which we mentioned earlier.

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