Eliminate Headaches And Stress With Acupressure

The purpose of this technique is to stimulate blood circulation as well as relax muscles. In order to balance the energy, the pressure must be applied symmetrically on both sides of the body.
Eliminate headaches and stress with acupressure

Acupressure is one of the oldest forms of therapy and is used to treat various types of problems in the body. Eliminate headaches and stress with acupressure. In order for this technique to be properly implemented, you need to be able to identify and deal with pressure points in your body that have nerve buildup. These points are found in certain areas of the body, such as the temples. When these areas are treated properly, it is possible to stimulate blood flow as well as relax muscles. This also makes it possible to reduce the pain caused by tension.

Most common headaches are caused by stress and tension. Eliminate the headache and thus alleviate these sensations by using a few simple pressure-based techniques that can be easily implemented at home. So this time, we ’re talking about acupressure , which can help you eliminate headaches and stress – it’s worth a try if these problems are self-inflicted phenomena!

How does acupressure apply pressure to the body?

When any area of ​​your body is pressured, it is important to put the same pressure on the other side of your body so that you can produce balanced energy.

In order to stimulate a particular area, you need to press it firmly but slowly and with rotating movements, and if the reaction of the body you are aiming for requires a stronger press, you can do so. The pressure can be set with your fingers, knuckles, palm or thumbs.

Eliminate headaches and stress with acupressure

Rub your temples

Your thighs are located on the sides of your face at the level of the eyebrows. To know exactly where these areas are located, place your thumbs above your eyebrows and move them about 1.5 inches toward your head. Once you have found your temples, press them gently, and rub both sides at the same time and counterclockwise. You can do this massage for a minute or longer, and be sure to take a deep breath at the same time.

Inner eyebrows

Eliminate headaches and stress by rubbing your eyebrows

There are two pressure points just above the ridge of your nose and at the inner tips of your eyebrows that can help relieve headaches and tension. In this case, however, we do not recommend applying pressure, as it may be uncomfortable, but you can rub these areas with your index fingers for 30 seconds.

The area between the little finger and the wrist

Locate the area between your little finger and your wrist, and press it continuously for 30 seconds. Put the same pressure on both wrists and you will be able to notice how your tension headaches are relieved.

If you want to relax completely, try this technique!

If you want to relax really well and get rid of stress and headaches, shape your fist with your left hand so that your thumb is on your index finger. In this case, the acupressure point is exactly where the thumb and forefinger meet, above and to the left (see the first figure in the article). Press for 30 seconds and then repeat the same with your other hand.

Use your feet

remove headache and stress with a foot massage

The pressure points on your feet are connected to the organs in your body. To stimulate points and relieve headaches, apply pressure to the area between your big and thigh toes. Use your thumb and press that point from above for 30 seconds to a minute. Another option to relieve headaches and stress with acupressure is to press the bottom of the foot to the back of the foot for 30 seconds. Apply this pressure to both feet.

The lower part of the skull

This point is useful if you want to relieve headaches and cold symptoms. Place both of your index fingers on the bottom of your skull, and separate them about 2.5 inches outward until you can feel relief in that area. Press these two points and rub them gently for 30 seconds to a minute.

Try acupressure if you suffer from stress and headaches – it can effectively alleviate those problems naturally and completely at no cost.

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