Apple Cider Vinegar Cure For Weight Loss And Cleansing

A cure of apple cider vinegar for slimming and cleansing

When the winter festive season is at its best or the summer is at its hottest, few that day will enjoy each other more delicious dishes. We dig in cabinets and our hands are constantly hit with snacks. Annoyingly, these delicacies are also full of fat, sugar and wheat flour.

After Christmas and New Year or summer holidays, many of us have accumulated a few extra pounds on the waist, and the condition is swollen and pink. Then give this experimental cure of apple cider vinegar a try – it has a cleansing and weight-loss effect!

An effective cure of apple cider vinegar to help

The ingredients in gourmet foods accumulate in the body and can, at worst, cause inflammation and severe fatigue. By following these instructions, you will perform a cleansing course that will continue for three days each week and will not mean starving yourself or making very big changes to your lifestyle.

So take this effective apple cider vinegar cure right away!

Why apple cider vinegar?

Cider vinegar is known to be a substance suitable for many different purposes, the medicinal effect of which cleanses and refreshes the body.

The nutrients contained in apple wine vinegar work wonders for the body, as it contains e.g. Vitamins A and B, amino acids and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, iron and silicon.

an effective course of apple cider vinegar

Why is apple cider vinegar good for the body?

  • The main benefit of apple cider vinegar is that it helps the body eliminate toxins. Sulfur in apple cider vinegar helps to clear the liver and at the same time the body is able to convert the fat it receives more easily and does not accumulate in the tissues.
  • In addition, apple cider vinegar increases metabolic activity while removing excess fat from the body,  which helps keep weight at ideal readings or expel a few extra pounds.
  • Cider vinegar has a diuretic or dehydrating effect, which means that swelling due to the accumulation of liquids is quickly relieved.
  • Apple cider vinegar is also suitable for the treatment of constipation, as the ingredients of the vinegar increase the bacterial growth of the intestine and thus help it to function normally.

Apple cider vinegar is therefore well suited for cleansing the body of excess fluids and fat. When taken regularly, it also has the following effects:

  • Prevents the development of recurrent urinary tract infections and supports normal kidney function. Apple cider vinegar keeps the urinary tract clean and the acidity of the urine at a normal level: this way the bacteria cannot take over.
  • Prevents dry eyes and itching due to its vitamin A content.
  • Improves digestive and intestinal function due to high dose of enzyme. Apple cider vinegar is suitable for the treatment of flatulence, heartburn and abdominal pain.
  • Relieves inflammation in the gums. If you suffer from inflamed or bleeding gums, use apple cider vinegar as a mouthwash and spray it in your mouth shortly before swallowing.
  • Eliminates excess mucus in the throat, for example.
  • Lowers cholesterol, blood triglycerides and uric acid.
  • Relieves cough and is suitable for the treatment of sore throat.
  • Treats and prevents muscle cramps. The enzymes contained in apple cider vinegar, especially magnesium, are good for muscles.
  • Improves skin condition with minerals and vitamins.
  • Reduces and prevents the formation of kidney and gallstones thanks to its effective dehydrating effect.

How do I use apple cider vinegar?

The easiest way to make the most of the health effects of apple cider vinegar is to enjoy a tablespoon of vinegar half an hour before each meal.

Rinse the vinegar down with one or two glasses of water. If you often suffer from heartburn, we recommend consuming vinegar with a small amount of baking soda, as this will help balance the acidity of the vinegar.

Remember that apple cider vinegar should be consumed this way only three consecutive days a week, no more.

Buy organic wine vinegar of the highest possible quality. We recommend using unprocessed and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, because then its active ingredients are best preserved.

What kind of diet should be followed during the course?

In addition to eating a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before each meal, you should also follow these dietary guidelines.

Avoid these foods:

  • Red meat and sausages.
  • Dairy products. Replace dairy products with herbal products such as rice milk, soy milk, almond milk or oat milk.
  • White flour and bakery products of all kinds. You can enjoy a small amount of wholemeal bread, but leave out all other products of the same style.
  • Food fried in fat.
  • Sugar. Replace sugar with stevia or honey.
  • Table salt. Use healthy sea salt instead of finely ground traditional table salt.
cleansing cure for apple cider vinegar

So what should you eat?

  • Breakfast  can include a herbal drink, oatmeal or smoothie. Also enjoy fresh fruit and a handful of nuts.
  • Lunch should include plenty of fresh vegetables such as lettuce and a small amount of whole grains as well as protein. Invest especially in legumes, light meats like chicken or turkey, and fish.
  • For dinner, we recommend you prepare a vegetable-based dish, either a salad or a light gazpacho soup. Be sure to also eat a whole egg and dessert an apple or pear.

In between main meals, you can sip nuts, fresh fruit or enjoy cleansing tea extracts such as Boldo tea, green tea or dandelion tea.

This is a healthy diet that can and should always be followed, but remember that a course of apple cider vinegar is most effective when followed three consecutive days a week.

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