Can You Have A Bowel Movement?

Can you have a bowel movement?

Intestinal parasitic infections, i.e., protozoan and worm infections, are very common worldwide. How, then, do you know if you suffer from intestinal problems? How can you protect yourself from parasites? If you want to know the answers to these questions, keep reading.

Intestinal can affect people of all ages. It is often thought that intestinal symptoms are severe and cause, for example, drastic weight loss, but this is far from the case.

Parasites are generally believed to be rare in Western countries, but this is not the case. Most of the intestinal parasitic infections detected in Finland originate from abroad, but giardia, broad tapeworm, tapeworm and occasionally Entamoeba histolytica and intestinal tapeworm also occur in Finland .

Symptoms can be vague and variable, and are often associated with some other intestinal disorder. Parasites can cause e.g. fatigue, anxiety, nervousness, digestive problems, headaches and weight fluctuations.

We will now focus on how you can determine if you have intestinal obstruction, and what you can do to eliminate and prevent it with diet and natural treatments.


Parasites, or parasites, are organisms that live in the body of a carrier, receiving food from the food and cells eaten by the carrier. Parasites work in the same way as fungi or bacteria when they invade the body. If a person suffering from a parasitic infection is perfectly healthy and in good physical condition, both the carrier and the parasite can live in molten harmony, and there is no greater harm to them.

The problem arises when parasites cause changes in pH balance and a decline in the healthy bacterial population of enzymes or the gut. This leads to an increase in pathogens in the body, which in turn leads to inflammation and disease.

For this reason, it is important to take care of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

How do you know if there are parasites in your gut?

The most common symptoms include:

  • Changes in appetite (either increased or decreased appetite for no apparent reason)
  • Swollen eyes
  • Nervousness and anxiety
  • Burning sensation in the tip of the nose, eyes or anal area
  • Dilated pupils
  • Changes in bowel function (diarrhea, constipation, difficulty passing stools)
  • Unexplained insomnia
  • Severe fatigue
  • Headache

Often, many of these symptoms can be completely harmless and are not always related to parasites, but to some other problem. If you suffer from strange symptoms for days or weeks, you should start to find out the cause with your doctor.

Children can also have parasites, and they find it regrettably difficult to tell, as children do not always know how to explain or understand their symptoms. If your child is scratching the tip of their nose or anus, you should keep an eye on their actions. If the itching of the anus is severe, the child may have cataracts. Itching caused by wormwood occurs especially at night and symptoms may also include abdominal pain.

Pets should be checked regularly for parasites, as some animal parasites can also come into direct contact with humans. Animals are more resistant to parasites than humans and may not be symptomatic at all. For example, dogs and cats should be regularly wormed against parasites.

Nutrition is the A and O of everything

A healthy and varied diet affects the well-being of the whole body. Parasites thrive on certain nutrients in particular, so eliminating them can help eliminate parasites from the body. If you suspect parasites, completely eliminate from the diet:

  • Sugar, confectionery, pastry and sugar beverages
  • Alcohol
  • Milk and milk products

Reduce the carbohydrates from white rice, pasta, pastries and white flour. Replace the above foods with these:

  • Garlic. Garlic is a great repellent to parasites and should be eaten raw every day. If you can’t stand the taste of garlic or it will cause you heartburn, you can roast it lightly before eating. When heated, the acidity and strong taste of garlic are diluted. You can also try garlic capsules, which can be found in pharmacies and health stores.
  • Pumpkin seeds. Eat at least 30 seeds a day straight from a raw pumpkin (the seeds are pale). You can also grind the seeds and use them as a side dish to other foods, such as salads.
  • Papaya seeds. In the morning, make a papaya smoothie with all the seeds, add the pumpkin seeds, water and, if desired, a little stevia for sweetening. A delicious, healthy and parasitic drink is ready!

Between the main dishes you can drink an extract of thyme, oregano and chamomile. This strong herbal drink kills parasites and prevents them from sticking.

intestinal-pumpkin seed

Intestinal health

The best way to maintain good bowel function is to prevent diarrhea and constipation. This is largely done through diet, avoiding heavy, fatty foods and eating lots of fresh, healthy food.

  • To treat constipation, eat flaxseed, prunes and foods high in fiber. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water during the day. All of these help the gut to function normally and prevent intestinal obstructions.
  • To treat diarrhea, enjoy white rice (cooked or steamed, no oil or butter), green tea or activated charcoal tablets. These calm the intestines, remove excess fluid and gas, and stop intestinal cramping.
intestinal rice

The intestinal parasite can make frost on the body’s own natural bacterial strain and sometimes it can increase if the body’s bacterial strain suffers, for example, from a long course of antibiotics. Eat probiotics every day, especially during antibiotic regimens and for a few months after they expire,  to keep your normal intestinal bacterial population alive. Antibiotic regimens work in the body for a long time, even after they have ended, so take care to get probiotics.


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