Flush Toxins From The Body And Improve Resistance

Flush toxins from the body and improve resistance

Improve resistance and flush your body of toxins.  What does it mean to flush the body of toxins?

For many, the image of diets and cleansing regimens comes to mind. While diets and various regimens can help eliminate toxins from the body, they are often only a temporary response to a deeper problem and can cause disgusting symptoms such as dehydration, anxiety, and fatigue.

In this article, we’ll tell you a few working tips to cleanse your body and boost your immune system. We will also tell you about the foods you should eat because of the cleansing effect.

Improve resistance through the cleansing process

Purification is a naturally occurring process in the liver, which is the largest internal organ in the body. Unfortunately, liver function can be disrupted and slowed down if it is exposed to large amounts of toxins from the air, water, soil, food, home, and workplace.

These factors quickly affect the body’s ability to clear itself. A weakened cleansing system allows chronic diseases such as heart disease, overweight, cancer and autoimmune diseases to develop unnoticed.

To prevent the accumulation of toxins, it is important to enjoy a healthy diet and reduce exposure to toxins. How does this work? Improve your immunity by adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle.

improve resistance

This is how you flush toxins out of your body

Eat raw vegetables and fruits

These foods help the body produce cleansing enzymes. For example, broccoli contains sulforaphane, which is believed to increase cleansing enzymes in the body. In addition, eating vegetables and fruits prevents cancer and premature aging. Especially add these vegetarian delicacies to your diet:

  • Cranberry
  • Raspberry
  • Apple
  • Papaya
  • Artichoke
  • Leaf chard
  • Beetroot
  • Spinach

Season your food

Season your food with herbs and spices. Especially prefer rosemary, coriander and garlic.  By using fresh spices, you add a delicious tone to your portions while enhancing the action of resistance and cleansing your body.

For example, allicin in garlic, apigenin in celery, and carnosol in rosemary are compounds that help cleansing enzymes work effectively.

improve resistance with parsley

Use natural cleaning products

Home cleaning products should not contain bleach. Prefer natural, eco-friendly cleaning products that do not contain harmful chemicals. Try vinegar, baking soda and lemon. This will prevent you from inhaling harmful chemicals.

Pay attention to air quality

A fire alarm and carbon monoxide alarm should be found in every home if the home has a fireplace or other source of open fire. You should also invest money in a radon meter. Prolonged exposure to radon gas that ends up in the home through the soil can cause lung cancer.

Be careful with older stoves and baking ovens as they can release carbon monoxide into the air.

If you have to walk past a forest fire or other fire, past a smoke-emitting factory, or through a busy city center, wear a respirator on your face – this will protect your lungs from inhaling harmful compounds.

If you don’t want to walk in public with a mask on your face, you should avoid the busiest areas. Also stay away from tobacco smoke.

Exercise at least 3 times a week

Physical exertion increases the heart rate and causes blood to flow to organs and muscles. The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues while removing waste. Studies have shown that exercise makes healthy changes to the body’s DNA.

In a study at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, healthy volunteers took part in an experiment in which they pedaled the bike using only one foot. Analyzes showed that the trained leg developed positive changes in the genes responsible for energy regulation, insulin function, and inflammatory responses.

improve resistance by moving

Use strong pepper spices

Capsaicin is a chemical compound that causes a burning taste in chili peppers and cayenne pepper. Hot foods help stimulate blood circulation and metabolism, while at the same time removing toxins from the body.

If you can’t stand the strong taste of chili peppers, you can get the same style effect by eating garlic, ginger and mustard.

These foods help eliminate toxins and boost the immune system

We have already mentioned above a few foods that you should enjoy to cleanse your body. Also, use the foods in the list below to improve your resistance:

Improve resistance also with these foods:


Tomato contains vitamin C, which helps boost resistance and prevents disease. Tomatoes are full of lycopene, which prevents cancers, especially cancer of the stomach, lungs and prostate. Tomatoes also help protect the surface layer of the skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays.


Grapes help keep the blood and intestines clean, they also strengthen the heart and lower cholesterol. In addition, grapes have a diuretic and laxative effect.

Grapes contain antioxidants that stimulate blood circulation and prevent cancer. Of all the grape grades, red grapes are the healthiest, as they contain more fiber and potassium than green grapes. In addition, they prevent blood from clotting.

improve resistance by eating grapes


Celery helps to remove waste products that accumulate in the body. In addition, celery improves intestinal function and makes intestinal function more regular, while improving blood circulation. Celery contains vitamin C, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels.


Asparagus contains folic acid, potassium, fiber, vitamin C and beta-carotene. It strengthens the brain and central nervous system, prevents the development and spread of cancer cells, and takes care of eye health. Asparagus has a diuretic effect that helps cleanse the body.


Lemon cleanses the body.  Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens cells. In addition, lemon stimulates gallbladder function, improves digestion and facilitates liver function.


Watercress contains 15 different vitamins and minerals. It is a diuretic, blood-cleansing food that prevents the accumulation of fluids and improves the health of both the skin and the liver. Watercress contains more calcium than milk and as much vitamin C as orange. In addition, water iron provides more iron than spinach.

So make sure that your diet includes at least some of the foods we present, and you’re sure to improve your immunity!

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