Often The Answer Is Found In The Subconscious – Learn To Study It

Can’t find motivation? Are you perhaps in a toxic relationship? Are you lonely? Are you afraid? Learn to explore and look at your own subconscious, and find out.
Often the answer is found in the subconscious - Learn to explore it

The subconscious tells us every day things we can’t interpret. How many problems have you had lately? Some? Several? Dozens of? Sometimes you can find a solution to your problem by looking at your own subconscious.

The subconscious mind works all the time. All you have to do is learn to listen to it and interpret the things it tells you. However, reaching the subconscious is not very easy, and it requires a large number of people to examine their own innermost being.

Many decide to turn to a psychologist who specializes in hypnosis to get access to that part of their psyche. Others decide to do this themselves and they choose the so-called  “walk around at home” method.

Your subconscious is talking to you

black soul

Have you ever had an anxiety attack? It is nothing more than an awakening to what your mind is sending you.

You may not know why this kind of extreme anxiety occurs. It is also likely that you have been carrying some problems with you for a long time. If you wait too long to find a solution to a problem, it becomes an obstacle.

You probably know that ignoring problems isn’t the best option, but sometimes you still want to wait.

If your body is talking to you in some way, you should listen to it.

The engine of thought

head in the clouds

As physician and researcher  Bruce Lipton  has stated, “The subconscious is a million times more powerful and important than the human conscious mind. You use your subconscious 95% of the time, but you can’t control it. ”

This is because the subconscious is the part of your mind that is most important to your thought process.

Think, for example, of questions whose answer comes to mind immediately. Here is one example:

“Where is the Eiffel Tower?”

“In Paris.”

You say this answer without thinking about it, because your subconscious has internalized the matter.

The same thing happens when you move your other fingers or go for a walk. You don’t have to be aware of the movement to make it happen.

Miraculously, the same thing can happen the other way around.

There are many things you may not be fully aware of. Maybe it’s because you don’t want to pay attention to these things, or because you want them to get fit on their own.

Subconscious and instinct


Your instincts have a lot to do with your subconscious. Have you ever hesitated about a choice because your intuition has told you it is not the best option?

While you may call this idea a “hint,” it is actually a reflection of your subconscious. It encourages you to make the right choice, that is, the one it knows will benefit you, and it does so with a silent commandment.

That is why it is important that you prepare yourself to listen to your subconscious. This part of yourself will help you in many ways during your life.

How, then, can one prepare for listening to the subconscious?

  • Pay attention to your emotions:  Suppressing what you feel is a futile attempt to silence your subconscious.
  • Don’t be afraid to find yourself: When you dive into your subconscious, you may find parts of yourself that you don’t like.
  • Accept the situation:  Not everything is just bad luck, and not everything negative is directed at you. Bad things don’t choose who they happen to.
  • Spend time alone:  Fearing loneliness makes you look for busy places so you can avoid paying attention to yourself.

Connect with your deepest self

woman writing

Mindfulness , also known as “conscious presence,” is a method that will help you connect with your deepest self.

Meditation is one of the techniques of the mindfulness method that can help you accomplish this.

If you want to get started, you should also start paying attention to your own sleep right from the start. Even if you don’t think dreams matter much, it’s important to write them down so you can analyze them later. This is a vital step for you to open channels of communication with your own subconscious.

When this communication then begins, it is important to make a change. You need to change what hurts or suppresses you, and you need to change those wounds that don’t heal. Namely, if you continue on the same path as before, this means that you turn your back on your own instincts.

Changing your own behavior is difficult, just like solving problems,  but even if you do nothing, your subconscious is at work.

It never stops sending the signals you need to change  your own path and to pay attention to the solutions that your subconscious mind shows you.

Don’t have the motivation? Are you perhaps in a toxic relationship? Are you lonely? Are you afraid? What?

Investigate, view, and figure out the depths of your subconscious. There you will find the answers you are looking for.


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