Daily Things That Age The Skin

Would you like tips to keep your skin looking youthful and healthy? Keep reading!
Daily things that age the skin

We all have habits that can harm our bodies. Let’s look at some of the things we do every day that age the skin.

Daily things that age the skin

1. Sleeping position

Improper sleeping position can cause wrinkles

While sleeping on his stomach, the head is turned to the side, which strains the neck and shoulder muscles. Sleeping in this position also impairs blood flow to the brain. In addition, it can cause eye bags and swelling. It is best to try to sleep on your back or side.

Another crucial thing for skin health is the choice of pillows. Too high a pillow prevents blood circulation, which promotes the formation of wrinkles. The right type of pillow ensures that the neck stays straight and the chin is not too close to the chest.

2. You do not wear sunglasses

Using sunscreen keeps your skin healthy. Keep in mind that the skin around the eyes is very thin and wrinkles more easily when the eyes are opened and closed or squeak in the sun.

Try to avoid this and wear sunglasses on sunny days, in all seasons.

3. Observe your chewing style

Chewing always on the same side of the mouth affects the face

The skin can also suffer from eating. If you chew food almost always on just one side of your mouth, your face may become asymmetrical. In other words, the muscles of the face are then weaker on one side and stronger on the other.

4. Watch your phone

If you talk on the phone for long periods of time every day, be careful. Pressing the phone between your ear and shoulder causes wrinkles and wrinkles in your neck and makes your cheeks hang.

If you talk a lot on the phone, put the phone on the speaker or use a handsfree.

5. Misuse of tablets

When we use tablets or cell phones, we usually keep our head down. This can cause swelling, sagging skin and wrinkles.

This can be avoided by keeping your head straight when tapping messages or viewing something on your device.

6. Leaning your chin on your hand

This simple movement can cause wrinkles on the facial skin and age the skin.

7. Curl corners

Shortening the corners can cause wrinkles on the skin

We tend to make harmful expressions, such as frowning, tightening lips, or tensing facial muscles. If you find yourself turning corners unintentionally, try to avoid it. You will gradually learn to stop this bad habit.

8. Say goodbye to hot showers

Cold showers are a much better option for the skin than hot showers. Although the hot shower relaxes completely, when it lasts for a long time it starts to affect the skin.

It can affect the pH layer that protects the skin, making the skin dry and flaky. Hot showers really age the skin visibly.

9. Air conditioning

Air conditioning absorbs moisture from the air and makes it drier. This also dries and ages the skin.

It is important to moisturize the skin and not use air conditioning too much.

10. Choose a pillowcase wisely

The wrong type of pillowcase can cause wrinkles

It is a good idea to choose a pillowcase carefully, as the wrong type of pillowcase can age your skin. Other bedding is another matter, but the pillowcase is in direct contact with the facial skin.

If you choose a cotton pillowcase, you can get wrinkles especially if you sleep on your side. It is best to choose silk or satin as they cause less abrasion.

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