Advice For People Considering Suicide

It is important to learn to identify someone who suffers from suicidal thoughts to help him or her in the best and healthiest way possible.
Advice to help people contemplating suicide

Thoughts of suicide just don’t show up during the night.  They are the result of a long process. Unfortunately, many times we fail to notice this process.

Depression is not always obvious.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), suicide is committed every 40 seconds in the world. It is a common cause of death among 15-44 year olds and affects men more than women.

Timely intervention can be crucial.

Signs that something is wrong

man alone on the roof

Suicides are more common among the young and the elderly. In general, people with suicidal thoughts tend to be singles and have few friends. Thoughts of suicide usually appear even after loss.

Nonetheless, we need to be aware of the signs pointing toward suicide. The most common are:

  • Failure to take care of personal appearance
  • Excessive sleep
  • Experiencing severe stages of insomnia
  • Isolation and fighting the club
  • Constant sadness or irritability
  • Saying “I want to die” or “my life is worthless” sentences
  • Indifference to everything
  • Regular use of alcohol or other drugs
  • Anorexia

There are other cases of secret depression. Symptoms can be very mild and difficult to detect.

In such cases, a person may be evasive when asked personal questions. He may show obsession with being busy or constantly laughing.

Loneliness promotes suicidal thoughts

woman sitting alone

If someone is starting to hide suicidal thoughts, the most important thing is to avoid leaving them alone.

Over time, a self-destructive person begins to close the door on everything in their life. He doesn’t want to talk to anyone. He also doesn’t want to go outside and keeping routines becomes more and more difficult.

It’s not easy, but we should try to talk to someone like that.

It is normal for people contemplating suicide to reject any kind of conversation. That is why it is important that the conversations are subtle and do not burden him with advice or anxiety and signs of anxiety.

Instead, the main goal should be to prevent greater isolation.

Helping people contemplating suicide

a woman helping another

When a person begins to express themselves dying sooner, it should always be taken seriously. People don’t say such things for no reason, especially repeatedly.

In such cases, you should always act.

Preventive measures you can try to help people who are thinking about suicide:

  • It is important to ask the person openly how he or she feels. Above all, listen holistically to what he has to say.
  • Don’t judge. This is crucial. None of his messages should be condemned. Condemning can make a person keep quiet when he or she should tell you how he or she feels.
  • Be outspoken. It is always better to discuss a topic without going around. Ask if the person has considered suicide and respect his or her message.
  • Don’t panic. This person needs solid support, not a new problem. You need to stay calm.
  • Help him visualize the effects of suicide. It’s a good idea to ask a person what he thinks will happen to the people he loves after he commits suicide.
  • Talk about a problem or a loss. Instead of looking for answers, it is more important to let the person express their feelings.

It is best to help him see the problem or loss in different ways.

  • Emphasize the positive side. Ask the person about the positive things he or she still has in his or her life. Find out what has prevented him from committing suicide so far.
  • Do not leave the person alone.
  • Encourage the person to ask for help. Experts should look at such cases. You should, without pressure, motivate the person to seek help from a psychologist or psychiatrist.

If a person is completely reluctant to receive help and shows signs of instability, it is time to act.

You should alert the emergency center or close family members for assistance in the intervention. You should never decide to stay inactive or “wait for what happens”.

After all, it is a life in danger.

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