Top 10 Anti-age Foods

By eating right and focusing on investing in antioxidant-filled food, you will feel great both inside and out.
Top 10 anti-age foods

If you follow a balanced diet, you can make sure that your body is functioning well and looking good. By eating the right kind of so-called. anti-age food and by focusing on investing in antioxidant-filled food, you will feel great both inside and out. Many foods have an anti-aging effect, and their consumption directly affects the condition of the skin. Antioxidants make the skin younger and more elastic. Read more.

The most visible signs of a bad lifestyle are on the skin. Smoking, alcohol consumption, and poor nutrition affect the skin, causing premature aging, discoloration, skin looseness, and wrinkles. Fortunately, there are many effective foods that have so-called anti-aging properties that can fade the signs of skin aging.

Cellular changes and aging of the skin are partly due to age and free radicals that penetrate the body, e.g. through the environment and cosmetics. Free radicals transform cells and accelerate their aging process, which at worst can even lead to the development of cancer. Eating plenty of antioxidants cancels out the effects of free radicals and protects body tissues from aging and disease.

Which foods contain antioxidants?


large amount of garlic

Garlic contains two anti-aging sulfur compounds: allicin and diallyl. Garlic has a strong antioxidant effect that boosts the immune system and prevents certain types of cancer. Add the garlic raw to the bread or salad, or if you don’t like its strong flavor, sauté or roast it lightly. However, keep in mind that raw garlic contains the most caring ingredients the most.


Broccoli is rich in vitamins, body cleansing ingredients and anti-cancer agents.


tomato slice and tomatoes

Tomatoes help lower cholesterol, keep blood vessels healthy and prevent inflammation. Enjoy the tomato as a fresh juice or salad.

Green tea

The antioxidant and anti-cancer effect of green tea has been known for decades. Green tea protects the heart and burns fat.


Cranberries have an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effect. They are often recommended for those who suffer from persistent urinary tract infections.


Grapes have a diuretic effect that removes excess fluid and waste products from the body. Grapes can also inhibit tumor growth.



Delightfully sweet cherries are high in vitamins, have a mild laxative effect and are known to prevent the development of certain types of cancer.


Kiwi is rich in vitamin C and by eating kiwi you protect your arteries against calcification and keep your heart healthy.


coffee beans in a basket

Beans and lentils provide protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.


Raw cocoa contains magnesium, regulates mood and improves concentration. Switch from milk chocolate to dark chocolate (70%) and enjoy without guilt.

All of the above foods have an anti-aging effect on cells and prevent harmful cellular changes. These foods fight the negative effects of the environment and, when properly consumed, can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. However, these foods alone cannot work wonders, but you get the best results by eating healthily, exercising, and avoiding tobacco and alcohol. Also, be sure to sleep enough, at least eight hours a night, as sleep is one of your skin’s best friends.

Remember to moisturize the skin inside and out, ie use a moisturizer suitable for your skin type and drink enough water (two liters a day in winter and three liters a day in summer). By eating and exercising, you ensure that your body absorbs nutrients efficiently and gets the most out of them. Regularity and routines are good for your body, and following these tips will ensure that your skin stays beautiful for a long time to come.

Also remember these…

Avoid excessive sun exposure. The sun’s UV rays cause skin damage, accelerate aging, and can lead to discoloration and, at worst, the development of skin cancer. Always use sunscreen, even in cloudy weather, and apply it particularly carefully to the face, neck, chest, shoulders, neck, feet, palms of the hands, and any other areas exposed to sunlight.

Be sure to remove your makeup carefully before going to bed every single night, no matter how tired you may be. If the makeup stays on the face overnight, it clogs the skin pores and causes impurities, the skin also cannot breathe and becomes dry and cloudy. Use facial cleansing methods appropriate for your skin type and Finish cleansing with toner and moisturizer. Many homemade cleaning products work like commercial products and do not contain harmful chemicals. For example, try olive oil to remove water-resistant eye makeup. The skin also peels regularly to remove dead skin cells. Peel the skin of the face and body at least a few times a month.

Other anti-age tips

A gelatin supplement in the diet can work wonders and act like anti-age creams. Gelatin is largely made up of collagen, a substance that keeps the skin supple and firm. Collagen decreases with age and the skin is unable to produce it in the same way on its own. In addition to the skin, gelatin does good for nails, hair, muscles and joints.

Avoid tobacco. If you smoke, get help to quit smoking from your pharmacist and stump right away. Smoking can have serious consequences, as it causes e.g. lung cancer and pneumonia. Smoking dries the skin and causes it to age faster than the skin of a non-smoker. Wrinkles can appear as early as the late twenties, and they deepen further over time. Smoking prevents the free movement of oxygen through the skin, which affects the condition and appearance of the skin.

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