5 Ways To Relieve Pain Caused By Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

It is very important that you pay attention to your posture when talking on the phone or typing on a computer. If possible, use an ergonomic keyboard.
5 Ways to Relieve Pain Caused by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Several women suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. In many cases, the only effective treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome is surgery. Before you get to that point, you should follow these tips so you don’t suffer from pain and your quality of life improves.

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome pain at the computer

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome usually appear between the ages of 30 and 60 years. Women suffer from this syndrome more often than men because women have a narrower wrist canal. Because of this, the bones of a woman’s wrist, as well as the ligament where the tendons of the fingers and the nerves of the hand meet, are more susceptible to strain.

Tendons in the compressions become inflamed and sometimes fluid also accumulates in the area. All of this makes that area tense, and as you know, it makes it sore. Although in most cases the syndrome first begins to bother only one side of the body, over time it usually moves to the other wrist, which in turn causes more problems in performing certain functions in everyday life.

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome:

  • It usually starts as nocturnal pain, and the hand may feel uncomfortable, tingling, or numb. You may also experience cramps at night that keep you awake.
  • The pain caused by cramps radiates all the way to the elbow, and crippling pain may be felt even in the thumb.
  • Picking small objects in your hand begins to become awkward, which can also cause your fingers to momentarily lose sensation. Squeezing objects between the thumb and forefinger is particularly painful.

It should also be mentioned that these symptoms are more common in pregnant women as more fluid accumulates in their bodies. This is something to keep in mind.

Ways to treat carpal tunnel syndrome

1. Anti-inflammatory ginger dressing

ginger for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome

Some medicinal plants contain highly anti-inflammatory properties, and one of the best of these is ginger. For this paste you need a tablespoon of grated ginger root, a little eucalyptus and mint. You can either use commercially available essential oils or make one yourself.

Mix the ingredients with a couple of deciliters of warm water and then cool the mixture in the refrigerator until it is cold (cold helps the pain best). Dip the bandage into the mixture and place it on the painful area for half an hour. You will notice how your pain is relieved immediately.

2. Anti-inflammatory cypress-rosemary dressing

Rosemary oil for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome

To do this, we make tea from two branches of rosemary and a couple of deciliters of water.  While the liquid is cooling, rub a little cypress oil on the sore area. You may already know that cypress is one of the best anti-inflammatory substances. When the tea is cold, place a dipped bandage on it where you rub cypress oil.

3. Fenugreek paste

clover for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome

Have you already heard how great a substance clover is? It is a great ingredient for anti-inflammatory paste. Fenugreek is rich in niacin and vitamin B3, which help fight inflammation and relieve pain. Vitamins and flavonoids help treat osteoarthritis as well as other joint problems.

You should simply make the paste by mixing the clove powder with water, and then apply the paste to the sore area. You will be amazed at the relief brought by this treatment.

4. Dietary recommendations

Orange carrot juice for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be treated from the inside by choosing the right types of foods whose nutrients relieve inflammation and strengthen nerves, cartilage and bones. So how should you act? It is easy. Start your day with a tablespoon of flaxseed oil, which works well against inflammation due to its high vitamin B6 content.

Rice, green leafy vegetables, chicken breast and bananas are also great foods for those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, as are grapefruit, pineapple and orange juices. They contain a lot of antioxidants, essential minerals as well as vitamin B. Be sure to include some of these foods in your diet every day. One perfect drink for your lunch is juice made from two kale leaves and one green apple. If you drink that juice three times a week, you will feel the relief it brings.

5. Ergonomic recommendations

Cell phone in bed wrist fit

You should also consider these things. Using a computer can really irritate the carpal tunnel area. Try to avoid typing or talking on the phone for many hours. If you need to use a computer, try to choose the most ergonomic keyboard possible that won’t force you to fold or stretch your wrists very much.

There are also some gentle hand exercises to help you relieve the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Rotate your wrist slowly for a few minutes, or take a grip on the other with one thumb and stretch your thumbs. These exercises help keep the tendons stretched, putting less pressure on the nerves. Always do the exercises gently.

Carpal tunnel syndrome does not go away on its own and it almost always requires surgery at some point, but before it has progressed that far, you should seek relief with these tips.

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