Be Yourself And Find Your Happiness

If you try to please everyone around you, you are making a mistake that will lead to your own accident. So it is important that you are yourself and stick to your self-esteem. So it pays to prioritize the people who really enrich your life.
Be yourself and you will find your happiness

“I haven’t changed. There was only a stage in my life when I had to let people hear what they deserved to hear. ” If you’ve ever felt the same way yourself, you shouldn’t feel guilty, because prioritizing things is a fundamental thing if you want to find balance and happiness in your life.

Dare to be Yourself

If we want to please everyone around us, we often lack the ability or courage to stop “feeding” certain bonds that, instead of enriching our lives, actually cause harm.

According to a study by the University of Claremont, if you act on your own values ​​and are able to trust the people you surround yourself with, you will be able to increase oxytocin levels in your brain. This, in turn, simply increases the feeling of happiness.

After all, it’s about acting according to your feelings and staying true to your own values. “I haven’t changed. If I tell you I don’t want to do you any service, it’s because my principles are against it. ”

Here’s more on how to be yourself. So keep reading if you want to think about your own attitude towards happiness and values.

I have not changed, but I will remain true to my own values

The key to happiness is not to gather as much wealth or as many friends as possible. It doesn’t mean that “catches people,” as many do when trying to get hundreds or even thousands of people to like their own pictures and writings they share on social media.

dare to be yourself

It’s about maintaining relationships with people who are worthy of being in your life. They are the ones that always allow you to be yourself without having to do or say things you don’t really know.

It is still the case that acquiring such good relationships is not always an easy task.

We live in a society defined by external affairs and the need to “please everyone”

Never forget this: those people who are obsessed with whether they are liked and who try to please everyone just end up unhappy.

  • We all go through episodes where we feel the need to be recognized. As young people, we seek acceptance among our peers so we can feel part of the group. Later, as adults, many of us continue to seek acceptance in the form that he wants to be loved by his romantic partner.
  • Those who try to be loved by others forget to love themselves first.
  • Maintaining balance from day to day is already enough: you don’t have to set boundaries every single moment. It’s about knowing how to live with others in a way of respect – both for yourself and for others.
  • If you always feel like you have to pretend to be or feel something you know is unnatural for you, maybe it’s time for you to change your environment. This type of situation can, in the long run, lead to an identity crisis and a drop in self-esteem.

I won’t let anyone change me because I consider myself just the way I am

Not having reached the point where you are now has required a lot of work, giving up, and also pleasant discovery experiences.

Our personalities are, of course, the result of even a small genetic part, but who you are is largely shaped by your own experiences, as well as by the attitude you take into those experiences.

by being yourself you can be free

Life is a long path that, as we travel, we acquire our value systems, beliefs, and attitudes that we would not change for anyone or anything — doing so would mean that you would no longer be yourself.

  • Maybe you started a relationship that then later turned out to be inappropriate for you and you are no longer happy. Maybe that person is telling you that “you’ve changed,” and you’re no longer the person you used to be.
  • Don’t let these types of comments affect you. No one really changes overnight, but some people may never have tried to get to know you properly.

The most important thing is that you maintain your self-esteem and stay true to your own values. If you are in a relationship, or live with others in general, you will often be forced to compromise on certain things. However, these compromises should be an exchange that involves winning each side and not losing anyone.

  • In order to be a partner, mother, son, brother or friend, you need to know how to listen and create reciprocity.
  • You don’t have to agree on everything with others, and you don’t have to share the same hobbies, interests, and passions with another. What is vital, however, is sharing the same values ​​with another.
  • Never change parts of your own personality or your own interests so that you can please others or prevent them from being disappointed. If you try to live up to other people’s expectations, you are causing yourself a conflict that can only result in an accident.
dare to be Yourself

Remember that in order not to give up or allow yourself to be controlled by others, you need to know yourself. Always remember that you have your own limits, and keep in mind how far you can go without harming your own self-esteem. This is something that is really worth keeping in mind.

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