Treatment Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Naturally

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome naturally

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a digestive condition that affects the colon. It causes inflammation, severe pain and even bleeding. If this syndrome is not treated properly, it can also cause ulcers that lead to cancer. In addition to this, the consequence of IBS is that the human body begins to reject certain types of foods and beverages, which makes the above symptoms worse.

Although there is no definite cure for this condition, there are therapies that can improve the life of a person with irritable bowel syndrome . So we’ve put together a list of foods that those wrestling with this problem should avoid. These tips will help your gut function better  and thus make it possible for you to live a more painless and comfortable life.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: foods that should be avoided


Chocolate is made from dried cocoa beans and stimulates both the nervous system and the digestive system. Therefore, chocolate may cause stomach cramps as well as diarrhea in people with irritable bowel syndrome.

Dairy products

treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: no milk

Dairy products are one of the worst enemies of the digestive system of a person with IBS. This is mainly due to lactose, so lactose-free products may be suitable, however. You should also try them in moderation and see in which direction you are going.

Citrus fruits

More specifically, in this context we mean lemons, oranges and mandarins. Although the effect of these fruits on the intestine is not as great as the other foods mentioned earlier, citrus fruits have been proven to be a poor choice for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. They cause discomfort in the body, which is why we recommend avoiding juices made from these citrus fruits, among other things.

Fatty foods

Unhealthy fats, such as animal fats and processed fats, should be excluded from the diet as far as possible. This includes foods fried in fat, especially deep-fried.

However, a person needs fat in their body to function properly, so choose healthy fats (avocado, grilled fish, olive oil, etc.).


treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: no bananas

Bananas, especially green ones, are high in potassium as well as carbohydrates and are among the foods that are the most difficult for good intestinal function. As a result,  they may cause constipation, which makes defecation more difficult and, in most cases, also causes bleeding.

Foods containing preservatives

Once the word preservatives is mentioned, one must consider, above all, industrial foods, canned food and bottled juices, all of which generally contain a large amount of preservatives. They are added to food because they would be able to retain their freshness on the store shelf for longer. Such preservatives can cause discomfort, and this is even more true for people with irritable bowel syndrome.


It goes without saying that  alcoholic beverages are among the worst enemies of irritable bowel syndrome. This is because alcohol irritates the intestines. Therefore, a person wrestling with IBS should avoid all kinds of alcoholic beverages. They may make the effects of irritable bowel syndrome even worse.

Soft drinks

treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: no soft drinks

Soft drinks are also on the list of banned ones, as the carbonic acid they contain can cause an inflammatory state in the stomach. Therefore, we recommend omitting these beverages altogether if IBS is your problem.


This group includes all caffeinated beverages –  not just coffee. These include, for example, energy drinks that are high in caffeine and not at all nutrients that your body could utilize. These drinks often cause constipation as well as a rapid decrease in the amount of fluid in the body.

Keep this in mind too!

We’ve added quite a few things to this list, and the life of a person with irritable bowel syndrome may seem pretty bleak based on that. However, you should look at this question from a different perspective: thanks to this list, you will be able to develop for yourself the diet that will best improve your quality of life.

In addition, there is a lot of information about living with irritable bowel syndrome as well as preparing certain foods. With good guidelines, you will be able to balance the reactions to irritating substances in your body (or at least reduce the harmful effects of these products). One clear example of such a food is lactose-free milk, and this is much easier for the intestinal walls to be absorbed than regular milk. So find out about irritable bowel syndrome, and use all the good information available to your advantage. In this way, you can find innovative cooking methods designed to make life easier for people with irritable bowel syndrome.

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