13 Surprising Ways To Use Beer At Home

To get the benefits of beer for the body, drink responsibly and reasonably, as it has no positive effects when consumed in excessive amounts.
13 surprising uses for beer at home

Beer has numerous properties. In addition to being refreshing and beneficial to the body when reasonably ingested, there are also many special uses for beer at home.

You don’t need the most expensive quality. Beer sold in a convenience store is sufficient for all the uses, which we will describe in more detail below:

1. Hair softening

Thanks to beer malt and lupulin, it can protect and repair hair and make it shiny and soft.


  • Put the beer in a container and let it stand for a few hours to make the carbon dioxide disappear.
  • After washing your hair with shampoo, apply beer to them and leave on for a few minutes.
  • Rinse with plenty of water and use conditioner to increase the emollient effect and eliminate the smell of beer.

2. Stain remover

wood wine stain on a shirt

Beer is also great for removing stains, even severe stains like red wine stains.


Just moisten the sponge with beer and rub against stains. Allow to dry and repeat if necessary until the stain is gone.

3. Insecticide

The smell of beer attracts insects – a fact you can take advantage of to get rid of them.


  • Pour some beer into the cup, cover with cling film and poke holes in it.
  • Let it be in place for the day and you will surely find trapped insects there.

4. Marinade for meat

13 uses for beer: marinade for meat

Chefs sometimes use beer to marinate meat because it has the ability to soften, preserve and season meat.


  • Put the meat to be marinated in a container with plenty of beer.
  • Cover with plastic wrap and let the meat marinate in the refrigerator for at least two hours.

5. Polish pots and pans

The acidity of the beer makes it perfect for cleaning and polishing steel or copper pans and pots.

6. Clean the wood

cleaning wooden surfaces with beer

Cleaning wooden surfaces with beer gives them a beautiful shine. It prevents the surface from looking old and cloudy.

7. Removing rust from the screws

In addition, beer acids are also good for removing rust from screws.


Just pour the beer on the screws and let it work for a few minutes.

8. Get rid of the brown west of the lawn


Thanks to fermented sugars, beer acts as a natural fertilizer for plants and yard grass.


Water the grass with a small amount of beer. This stimulates new growth, keeps the fungus away and makes your lawn beautiful green.

9. Keep snails out of the garden

Snails are a real headache if you have a garden and want to keep it beautiful.

To prevent them from eating your plants, follow these guidelines:

  • Pour a fair amount of beer into the jar.
  • Make sure the jar is high enough so that the beer does not evaporate immediately, and do not cover it with a lid.
  • Place the jar underground in an area with frequent snails.

The smell of beer attracts them, leaving them trapped in the jar.

10. As a fertilizer

garden care

The nutrients in brewer’s yeast have been used for decades to accelerate plant growth.


It is very easy to use: just splash a little beer on the roots of the plants and repeat once a day.

11. Insomnia

In addition, beer lupulin is recommended for sleeping.


When washing your pillowcases, mix a little beer in the water and swim the pillowcases in it.

12. For strengthening bones

13 uses for beer: strengthening bones

Because beer contains a lot of silicon, a trace element necessary for the formation of tissues, muscles and bones, its reasonable use gives the body strength.

13. To strengthen the immune system

According to a study in Spain, beer can boost the immune system.

However, it should be taken in moderation, and the results of the study were particularly noticeable in women.

Did you already know these 13 different uses for beer? Try them!

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