Migraine Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

In this article, we will talk about everything about migraines.
Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of migraine

A large proportion of people suffer from migraines on a regular basis. This neurological disorder affects their quality of life and as a result also their mood, which can even lead to depression and isolation. In this article, we go through the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of migraines.

What is a migraine?

Migraine is a neurological disease characterized by severe headaches and other symptoms. People with migraines often associate the pain with that caused by stress, tension, or anxiety.

The causes of migraines can be stress and tension

Migraine is a local ache on one or both sides of the head. Usually the pain is so severe that it completely paralyzes it. Migraines affect a large proportion of the population (18% of adult women and 6% of adult men).

Classical migraines, also known as auricular migraines, often begin with visual symptoms. Flashes of light or blind spots may appear in the field of view. These symptoms typically last 10 to 30 minutes.

Causes of migraine

Pain can be different and manifest in different ways in different people. In addition, a patient may experience migraine-related pain in various forms throughout their life.

It is very important to know the causes of migraines, as this can help prevent and even reduce its severity. The causes of migraines are, for example:

  • Smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Stress
  • Sleep disorders
  • Strong odors
  • Sudden changes in temperature
  • Certain foods (monosodium glutamate, artificial sweeteners, soy, dairy products, caffeine, chocolate, citrus fruits, bananas, avocado, etc.)
  • Bright lights
  • Certain medicines

Migraine symptoms

The symptoms of migraine are easily identifiable:

  • The main symptom is a severe headache that can extend from the head to the neck and facial muscles. The pain can last for 4-72 hours.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Photophobia and phonophobia. Migraine causes photosensitivity and sensitivity to sound.
  • Pale skin.
  • Fatigue.
  • Heart palpitations.
  • Symptoms in the field of vision. Flashes, blind spots, serrated patterns, partial loss of vision, or eye pain are some of the possible symptoms of migraines.
  • Mental changes. Stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression and even nervousness and aggression can occur.

Migraines usually paralyze the patient and prevent normal functioning. In addition, other, less common symptoms may occur during a migraine attack:

  • Dizziness.
  • Itching and tingling.
  • Unintentional body movements.
  • Speech moss.


A typical symptom of a migraine is a severe headache

The diagnosis depends on the patient’s symptoms. For a diagnosis, the doctor needs a very accurate medical history from the patient. The patient’s own description of the pain is, of course, also very important information in diagnosing the disease.

Diagnosing a migraine usually does not require a visit to a neurologist. Imaging methods are only required in cases where the headache is suspected to be secondary and due to some other disease. In this case, the most common tests are brain magnetic resonance imaging and computer layer imaging.

Migraine treatment

There are a total of two methods for treating migraines: drug therapy and natural therapies.


The drug you choose depends on the cause of the migraine:

  • Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs  such as ibuprofen, aspirin, paracetamol and so on. However, these drugs are only effective for mild to moderate migraines.
  • Nausea medications. These are typically used to prevent vomiting and nausea.
  • Antihypertensive drugs. These are commonly used for migraines caused by high blood pressure.
  • Antidepressants. These are, of course, the best remedies for migraines and headaches caused by depression or tension.

Natural therapies

Natural therapies for migraine are always based on diet. It is therefore essential to increase the consumption of natural foods and to reduce highly processed products in the diet (pastries, snacks, etc.). In addition, it is important to rule out possible food allergies, such as gluten or lactose intolerance.

Natural therapies consider the health of the patient holistically in the treatment of any disease. It takes into account, for example, the hormonal system, liver function, kidneys and intestines, and emotions. Acupuncture, homeopathy, magnetic therapy, and color therapy, among others, can be helpful.

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