Learn To Love Yourself So You Can Love Another

Before you can be happy and give the best of yourself to those you love, you need to love yourself. You also need to become the most important person in your life.
Learn to love yourself so you can love another

Can you love yourself? I had been taught to fall in love with others, but  no one had told me that first I should love myself.

Can you love yourself? I was told that everyone would find a soul mate that would make me happy and whole. However, no one had said that I should first learn to love myself if I wanted to love another person.

All of us have sometimes become deceived after falling in love, and surprisingly, this can happen because we don’t first learn to love ourselves.

Now then you may have this question in your mind: can you fall in love with another person if you can’t love yourself?

How to love yourself?

Don’t you think you could live without the person you feel loves to the extreme? Do you think that if you tried to live without him, the world would fall apart?

If your thoughts are like this, you should understand one important thing: the  only person you can’t live without is yourself.

how to love yourself

People tend to have an almost disturbing lack of self-esteem that leads us to seek refuge from the kind of love that comes from others. Instead of this love being something positive, it can lead to problems caused by emotional dependence.

It’s a beautiful thing to love another so much that your life becomes meaningless without that person. However, you need to know that  the person you must first learn to love is you.

If you can’t love yourself or trust yourself, how can you do it with others?

No doubt you have sometimes felt lonely or scared. You may be outside of everything you’ve learned before, and you’re learning to love the way you really should love.

Start with yourself, and only then love others. So we want to make it very clear that the only person you can’t live without is yourself.

Dare to love yourself is the first step

Maybe you’re wondering now how it might be possible to fall in love with yourself. No one at the time has taught you how this happens, and the truth is that it can be a very difficult thing to achieve. However, that is not impossible. We hope the tips we give in this article will help you love yourself a little more.

Remember, this is more about you than anything else.


Don’t be afraid of loneliness

It is easy to experience oneself as unjustifiably afraid of loneliness, for we have been taught that loneliness is a sign of not being happy. However, if you can’t be happy alone, you have a clear problem.

Is it still true that one cannot be happy alone, or is it just something others have taught us?

Use your solitude to your advantage  so that you can dedicate time solely to yourself. You will learn a lot: your self-esteem will grow, you will trust yourself more and you will learn to love yourself unconditionally.

So don’t waste your loneliness as it will allow you to find yourself. And as we have already said, then you will be able to learn to love yourself.

Set aside external matters

Loving yourself is about rejecting external factors. If you are worried about what you look like in the eyes of others, there may be problems with self-confidence. So remember who you are and what you want, and you won’t care what others say.

Take care of your friends

Sometimes it happens that when you are in a relationship, you leave your friend aside. However, this is a mistake that should never be made. Social partners come and go, but friends – if you care about them – are forever.

So don’t value romantic love more than friendship.

When you know how to love yourself and appreciate yourself, you will realize that you can be happy without having another person next to you. You will see that your life does not begin or end depending on your relationship.

You can have friends who will never let you down and whom you can trust. These are indeed the people you should be grateful for.

remember to love yourself

Don’t give up everything for the sake of other people

Do everything for yourself, but not everything for others. You are the one who really matters to you, and you need to move forward in your life, achieving your own goals so that you trust, value, respect, and love yourself.

Never let go of everything for the sake of someone else, as this will only lead to suffering.

With all our advice, you might now think it’s about selfishness. But in fact, when we follow our instructions, you are generous – you only need a little time for yourself.

Whenever these thoughts disappear from your mind, recall this phrase: “The more I fall in love with you, the more I can love myself.” This way, you can truly love other people so that you are happy yourself.

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