Treatment Of Gastritis With Natural Means

Treatment of gastritis by natural means

Stomachache –  Have you ever experienced this very painful and annoying illness? If you are, you certainly know how problematic the treatment of gastritis can be.

Symptoms include inflammation, irritability and a burning sensation.  In addition, the symptoms of gastritis are very intense and last for a few days before they eventually subside.

Effective treatment for gastritis

So what is an effective treatment for gastritis? The physician should always be the primary care provider, although home-based interventions can help eradicate and alleviate this disease.

So in this article, we’ll tell you about a few  easy and natural treatments for those suffering from gastritis – these guidelines are a good addition to other treatments as they offer effective and affordable options.

1. Parsley drink

treatment of gastritis with parsley

This parsley-based treatment is a very effective aid in treating gastritis in the best possible way. It is a traditional cure that is an easy and definitely recommended way to relieve discomfort when the symptoms of stomach upset are most strongly felt.

So keep in mind the following great health-promoting properties of parsley:

  • It is a natural source of many vitamins – these include vitamins A, B, C, E and K.
  • Parsley acts as an effective dehydrator in the body, and its healing and digestive properties are really beneficial for people suffering from gastritis.
  • Parsley relieves the burning sensation, inflammation and flatulence in the stomach. It does provide relief for the entire digestion and intestines.

To get the most out of the awesome properties of parsley, you should prepare a drink that contains it. How is this done? Making parsley drink is very easy – just follow these instructions:

  • Prepare a smoothie with 150 grams of parsley and a liter of water.
  • Once you have prepared the drink, let it stand for two hours.
  • After this time, strain the liquid and place it in a glass bottle out of direct sunlight. Drink liquid throughout the day at room temperature – the water should be neither hot nor cold.

2. Rice water

treatment of gastritis with rice water

A drink made from rice is also one of the  traditional treatments for relieving stomach upset. You may have heard talk of this drink that reduces inflammation, pain, flatulence, and stomach discomfort.

Rice is very rich in minerals and vitamins, so this drink is an excellent promoter of well-being as well as a facilitator of the treatment of gastritis.

So how is a rice drink made? Here, too, you don’t have to bother much, as all you have to do is boil a liter of water and add 150 grams of rice. Allow the liquid to boil normally, then separate the water from the rice. Enjoy rice water throughout the day, and be sure to always drink it at room temperature. Very easy!

3. Carrot and celery smoothie

treatment of gastritis with carrot juice

Do you already know about the amazingly effective health-promoting properties of these two vegetables? We’ve covered them in our previous articles, and both carrot and celery are excellent anti-inflammatory products.

They reduce the burning sensation in the inner abdomen and swelling of the stomach, and you also get plenty of minerals and vitamins from them.

If you have ever had gastritis, you know for sure that this disease includes loss of appetite, nausea, and feeling unwell. This natural smoothie is a powerful conditioner for the body, and to enjoy all its good properties you just need to follow these easy steps:

  • Take two carrots and two celery stalks.
  • Clean them well and then put in a blender, to which you also add a glass of water (250 ml).
  • Mix the ingredients well, and drink this juice for either lunch or dinner. Delicious and effective!

4. Apple and chamomile stew

treatment of gastritis with apple juice

This combination may come as a surprise, but you will get a truly medicinal drink from it that is definitely worth a try if you suffer from stomach ache at some point in your life. So retrieve the following instructions:

  • The apple stew relaxes the stomach, reduces acidity, relieves inflammation and soothes gastric catarrh.
  • An apple is a good help in the treatment of any inflammation.
  • This drink is a great treatment when, for example, you feel nauseous.

To make this easy drink, you need one raw and peeled apple that you sliced. You should then boil a glass of water (250 ml), and when the liquid boils, add apple and chamomile.

Let the liquid boil for a while. The apple should be cooked for at least 20 minutes. When the bath is ready, let the liquid heat to a lower temperature.

Then drink the liquid only after sifting the stew, and for best results, you should always enjoy this stew in the morning and at room temperature. Really delicious – so don’t miss the apple and chamomile stew if you need treatment for gastritis!

5. Pear-ginger drink

treatment of gastritis with ginger

You may have sometimes tried the classic pear and ginger marmalade, which is a really delicious mouthful and is perfect for any ice cream to enrich the taste.

However, these ingredients are also excellent for the treatment of gastritis and can easily be used for effective treatment. So use the following instructions to prepare a pepper and ginger stomach treatment:

  • When you combine pear and ginger, you get treated for both inflammation and pain. You may already know that ginger acts as a pain reliever in the body, and it is a medicinal plant that can effectively reduce stomach pain.
  • A pear is an awesome fruit when you suffer from gastritis. It is rich in minerals and vitamins, and this fruit is also easy for your body to digest. It is rich in fiber and thus helps your digestion work better.
  • To make this easy treatment,  prepare the mixture in the same way as in the recipe above, but use a pear instead of an apple.  Cut the pear into pieces and then add 300 ml of water. Also add 20 grams of ginger, and bring to a boil. Then put the mixture in a blender, and when you have a steady drink, enjoy it a little at a time. This drink is perfect to enjoy with dinner.

So this is how you can treat gastritis with natural and tasty means – don’t miss out on these delicacies!

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