Don’t Let Others Make You Feel Guilty

You are the only person who has the right to feel guilty, so Learn to set your own boundaries in relation to others.
Don’t let others make you feel guilty

If someone is going to make you feel guilty, beware! You may then be dealing with someone who wants to manipulate you for your own benefit.

Making another person feel guilty is one of the easiest ways to accomplish something. Guilt has enormous power and can be used both against and for the benefit of man.

Guilt is a feeling that makes you believe that you have done something wrong and that you have not adapted to what is expected of you. It makes you feel that you now have to somehow fix the situation.

Sometimes guilt makes a person humble and makes him apologize. Sometimes, on the other hand, it makes you act in a way that benefits another person. But what if guilt is simply a trap?

What do we mean by that? Keep reading and you’ll find out more about why guilt is worth looking a little deeper at the surface – don’t let another person make you feel guilty!

Don’t let people manipulate and make you feel guilty

A manipulative person may try to make you feel guilty.

When you’re dealing with a manipulative person, he or she may make you feel guilty about what you’re doing, but it’s very likely that he or she has no valid reason for him or her to feel that way.

For example, if you are manipulating a person in a relationship, he or she may make you feel bad because you spend time with other people. That way, he can try to control you, and he also treats the other party in the relationship as his own puppet.

When you let another person manipulate you, you may feel miserable, and  when this lasts a long time, it can damage your self-esteem.

You may not want to admit that other people (whether it’s your partner, family member, or friend) can make you doubt what you’re doing, what you’re entitled to do, and what you like.

If you want to do something and the other person makes you feel bad  about it, it’s important to think about what you should prioritize and what you shouldn’t prioritize.

Other people are not always right

Other people’s opinions don’t always matter.

When you don’t question what others are urging you to stop doing because they think it’s wrong, the biggest problem is that the situation might make you tell them the reason.

Then why are you doing this? Because you have such a bad habit that you’re dependent on the approval of others and their opinions –  most importantly, you’re dependent on how the people around you get to know you.

If your partner gets unwell because you’re out with friends, you stop doing this thing, even if it hurts you. The opinion of the person next to you is more important to you than yours.

This is something you need to recognize and get over. In every relationship, it is important to know how to set your own boundaries and how to identify one that is refused to tolerate.

Trust yourself

Trust yourself and your own feelings.

It’s important to be clear that no one has the right to make you feel bad when what you do makes you feel good.

There are many such people who often take advantage of others.

It is up to you to prevent this from happening. You do this by setting boundaries and being aware that the decisions you make are not in the hands of others, but up to you. It is very important to start trusting yourself as well as keeping your own intuition as your guide. So learn to turn down the volume of other outgoing sounds around you.

What you want is what matters. What makes you happy is important. You don’t have to satisfy others and their desires, or go according to what they think is right or wrong.

The only person who cares is you yourself, and this also applies to what you want to do and when you want to do it.

You are no longer a small child at the mercy of powerful parents who say what you have to do. Now you are an adult with the power to make your own decisions, and you are  free to do what you want, even if other people condemn you or disagree.

Don’t let others slow you down.

Do you agree? Are there people in your life who make you feel guilty ?

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