9 Nerve Care Herbs

Passion flower is recommended to relieve neck pain. This herb is also helpful in relieving headaches and menstrual cramps. Ginseng helps to balance body functions.
9 nerve care herbs

Today, it’s easy to “lose your mind” – all those myriad daily problems, responsibilities, stresses, work pressures, competition, and stimuli penetrate a person’s life every second of the day. While it may sound like a good solution to escape the peace of the countryside and leave work worries far behind, this option is not a real option for most.

However, there are some  herbs that are of great help in calming the nerves as well as reducing anxiety. Keep reading, because this time we’ll tell you what nine nerve care herbs you should try to improve your natural and enjoyable way.

9 herbs to treat anxiety and nerves

People feel anxious or nervous for many reasons, and this can have negative effects on the body. You may have changed jobs a while ago, you are just getting married, or you are expecting a date with someone you really like. Or maybe you’re just going through something unpleasant at work, starting your own business, or preparing for some very difficult exam.

In all of these cases (and in many other life situations as well), nature can be a great help in making you feel better. Next, we’ll talk about some herbs that are known to calm nerves and anxiety – you might want to give it a try if you need to feel better.

Passion flower

The passion flower affects the central nervous system and at the same time it relaxes the various muscles in the body. When you enjoy the passion flower, you promote the elimination of nerve-related pain – for example, back pain, which can be the result of poor posture. This herb is also good for headaches and menstrual cramps, and its extract can be purchased at health food stores. Just add a few drops to a glass of water, a cup of tea or even freshly squeezed orange juice.


According to traditional Chinese medicine, ginseng is used to balance the yin and yang of the human body . Contrary to popular belief, this herb does not cause nervousness or agitation in the body, but in fact it works in exactly the opposite way.

It helps those suffering from depression, sadness or chronic exhaustion to gain more vitality.  At the same time, it has a calming effect on people who are stressed or anxious. It is recommended to enjoy ginseng extract by diluting a few drops in a glass of water, juice or tea.

try a nerve care herb: ginseng

Iron herb

Iron herb flower has numerous health-promoting effects. In addition to relaxing the body, iron herb helps solve problems such as stress, nervousness and anxiety, as well as insomnia. Some people choose this product because of its digestive properties, as it reduces flatulence and makes it easier to fuss.

You can choose fresh flowers and leaves that are worth adding to many dishes or even as a spice in various juices and lemonades. If you buy dried leaves, enjoy them in tea form (add a handful of leaves to a cup of boiling water). You can also combine iron herb with vetch root, chamomile or mint.

St. John’s wort

This plant provides many nutrients, such as flavonoids. However, its main antidote is hypericin, which blocks the action of an enzyme called dopamine. This makes the human state of mind improve. St. John’s wort also reduces the adrenaline produced by the body, making it an excellent product for treating anxiety, nervousness and depression.

You can buy St. John’s wort as an essential oil that you should rub on your skin in a circular motion. However, always remember to mix it with a small amount of almond oil or olive oil. Alternatively, you can inhale the oil to get aromatherapy – for this you should heat a few drops mixed with water on the stove and inhale the steam generated. Some people also drink the hypericin stew, which is obtained by putting a few leaves in a cup of water (but note that this should not exceed a daily dose of three cups, however).


Virma root is one of the most well-known herbs in the treatment of nervousness and anxiety. The properties of this plant are well suited for reducing stress as it makes you feel calmer. Virma root promotes good sleep quality and rest, and is also recommended for reducing menstrual cramps. Make this tea using a handful of dried vetch root per liter of boiling water. Then drink a maximum of three cups a day.

virma root calms the nerves


Many people are unaware of the sedative effects of this herb. It is commonly used in cooking because of its great aroma and taste, but basil also has digestive properties. Basil tea is a great drink to promote stomach function, and this is especially true after a big meal at lunch or dinner. Basil relaxes the nervous system and helps to get better rest. It is also an ideal product for the treatment of the so-called “stress stomach”.


This is an enduring favorite recommended for those suffering from anxiety, nervousness or stress. Tea made from lemongrass is a great help if you want to get a better night’s sleep, feel more relaxed, and avoid insomnia. If you don’t like the flavor of this herb, you can make tea using a tablespoon of dried lemongrass and adding another tablespoon of one of the following herbs: chamomile, horseradish, or iron herb.

White hawthorn

This flower has numerous good properties, and they are especially useful for its ability to alleviate and prevent cardiovascular disease. It helps to lower blood pressure as well as improve blood circulation, as white hawthorn allows the heart to beat more efficiently.

This herb has sedative effects on the sympathetic nervous system and is given to patients with moderate anxiety or nervousness. You can use this plant in juices or water, or you can add it to some tea.

In lemon balm

try lemon balm, a herb that cares for nerves

Lemon balm is a plant with a lot of pollen, and it attracts bees, hence the name “Melissa” (this means bee in Greek). This herb has powerful relaxing properties and is used to relieve stress, anxiety and insomnia. Lemon balm also has anticonvulsant effects, so it is recommended for people who do a lot of sports or other physical activity. In addition to all this, lemon balm is also used to ease stomach cramps. In other words, a really awesome natural product!

Try a nerve care herb if you want natural help to calm you down.

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