12 Great Benefits Of Beer

Beer has many surprising health benefits.
12 great benefits of beer

In the summer, when the air is suffocatingly hot, which would be a better pleasure than a cold beer. Typically, this drink is also associated with parties, bar nights, gatherings of friends and many other fun moments. However, beer has many other types of benefits than just refreshment and relaxation, as  it is worth drinking in moderation for health as well.

Prevent health problems with beer

Health experts usually do not recommend beer at all, because if people start to consider it just a healthy drink, its consumption may start to pick up too fast. The benefits of beer are even surprising. However, beer has been proven to be a drink that promotes human well-being if it is drunk within certain absolute limits.

Another thing to keep in mind regarding this drink is that one serving of beer can contain up to 220 calories, but this depends on the brand and type of beer. In any case, for this reason too, it is good to drink beer only in moderation. If you keep these warnings in mind, you can enjoy the great health benefits of beer – so keep reading, because this time we’ll  talk about the great wellness-promoting effects of beer.

Beer fights insomnia

beer helps with insomnia


Beer contains two compounds, nicotinic acid and lactoflavin (also known as riboflavin), both of which promote good sleep. If you suddenly feel drowsy after drinking beer, it is almost certainly due to the effect of these two compounds on your body.

Beer relaxes your feet

After a long day, if you are very stressed, your feet may look tired or swollen. To calm them down, try putting your feet in a bowl of beer. The effervescence gradually makes them relax.

It reduces stress

According to the Mayo Clinic, moderate beer consumption can reduce stress and anxiety. However, the maximum recommended dose is 236 ml for women and 473 ml for men. So you can’t eliminate stress with a very large amount of beer!

It makes your skin healthier

beer for skin care


Beer contains vitamins and antioxidants that improve the health of your skin.  They help remove contaminants as well as stimulate the growth of new cells. In fact, beer is used as an ingredient in many European-style spa treatments, so its benefits in skin care have been noticed.

It relieves menopausal symptoms

The high amount of flavonoids in beer is associated with an increase in calcitonin, which is important if you want to reduce menopausal bone loss. Beer has powerful antioxidants that can prevent premature aging.

It protects your heart

Moderate beer consumption will help you reduce your risk of having a heart attack by up to 40-60 percent. It has been found that yeast can lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the body and can prevent blockage of the arteries as well as prevent the formation of blood clots. Yeast has also been found to improve cardiovascular health in general.

It will improve your memory

Beer improves memory


Many studies have shown that the silicone contained in beer can help prevent cognitive problems as well as memory impairment. In this area of ​​research, it has been found that moderate and regular beer drinking contributes to the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

It protects the kidneys

Drinking a small amount of beer daily can help keep your kidneys healthy.  A study conducted in Finland has shown that people who drink one beer a day are up to 40% less likely to suffer from kidney stones. This is related to the hops contained in beer, which strengthens bones.

It improves digestion

Beer provides a large amount of fiber, which acts as a natural laxative.  Unlike other drinks with fiber, beer is able to promote intestinal function and prevent stomach and intestinal problems such as constipation and diarrhea.

It is rich in B vitamins

Beer is a great source of B vitamins. Especially dark beer has a good amount of vitamins B3, B6 and B9.  B3 is an important factor in repairing the cells in your body, while B6 helps relieve the symptoms of PMS. Folic acid, or vitamin B9, has been found to prevent colon cancer.

It improves the health of your eyes

beer prevents cataracts


Several studies in the U.S. and Canada have shown that drinking a small amount of beer each day can reduce the risk of cataracts.  This benefit is especially relevant for people with diabetes, as they are most likely to suffer from that health problem.

It fights the flu

If you drink warm beer when you have the flu, you will be better able to control your symptoms and speed up your recovery. Hot barley stimulates blood circulation and breathing,  and it reduces the pain felt in the muscles and strengthens the resistance.

How much beer should you drink, and how often if you podet the flu?

Put a bottle of beer in hot water to warm up, and then add four tablespoons of honey to the drink before drinking the beer while it is still warm.

So take advantage of the great health effects of beer – however, always remember the recommended amounts with this drink!

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