Cleanse Your Liver In Two Weeks

Drinking a glass of water marinated with lemon and olive oil will help your body get rid of waste products and function more smoothly.
Cleanse your liver in two weeks

The liver is the internal organ that suffers most from poor diet, bad habits, and negative feelings. Cleanse your liver with natural means and enjoy better health!

Clean your liver in two weeks: instructions

In this article, you’ll learn how you can cleanse your liver in just two weeks by following these easy natural diet tips. When you take a little more care of yourself, you will feel more energetic, lighter, and happier.

1. Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it allows you to refuel your body with plenty of energy and puts you in a good mood. Skipping breakfast is a serious mistake – eating breakfast not only helps maintain a healthy weight and keeps hunger at bay for the rest of the day, which also helps with the feeling of fatigue.

During this two-week liver cleansing course, you should  drink a glass of warm water mixed with a tablespoon of quality olive oil and half a lemon juice every morning before breakfast . You can also enjoy the ingredients separately if you wish. This is the first step in helping your body begin the daily process of cleansing its internal organs, especially your liver.

Next, you need to prepare a smoothie for yourself for breakfast. While the following list of ingredients may come as a surprise, don’t judge it by its appearance, as it tastes delicious.

Mix the following ingredients: 

  • 1 apple or pear
  • 1 medium ripe banana
  • A handful of spinach leaves
  • 1 teaspoon spirulina
  • 2 dried, pitted plums
  • A handful of nuts (walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts), preferably pre-crushed
  • 1 dl oatmeal
  • A touch of ginger and cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of yeast powder (not dry yeast, but yeast powder found in health food stores)
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil

Mix the ingredients until the composition is as smooth as possible. Do not drink all the mixture at once, but rather little by little as the morning progresses.

This smoothie is very nutritious and helps regulate blood sugar, prevent anxiety and of course also promote liver function. 

cleanse your liver with green smoothies

2. Lunch

Of course, lunch also plays a very important role. Try to maintain a balanced diet and avoid overeating. 

Your menu should include: 

  • Salad, gazpacho or roasted vegetables
  • Whole grains or wholemeal flour: rice, semolina, potatoes, sweet potatoes, breads, etc.
  • Protein: lean meats, fish, eggs, beans and vegetable proteins (tofu, seitan, Tempe)
  • Healthy fats: olive oil, nuts, avocado

You can vary between different foods, but try to include one food from each category in your meal.

cleanse your liver by eating healthy food

It is advisable to avoid desserts, which can actually impair digestion. However, if you are hungry or craving something after food, you can try one of the following:

  • Apple, pear, pineapple or papaya
  • Homemade apple crumbs
  • Cottage cheese with honey
  • Nuts
  • You do

3. Dinner

What you eat for dinner is very important for liver care because it is at this time that your body needs extra energy. Try to eat something light so you don’t go to bed hungry, and try to be careful about this rule if you really want to cleanse your body effectively.

Here we present several different dinner options to choose from.

  • Vegetable soup with hard-boiled egg and whole grain bread
  • Gazpacho soup and grilled fish
  • Zucchini egg and salad
  • Fried vegetables and mushrooms and cheese
  • Corn or rice cakes with tomato, avocado and turkey
  • Apple sauce, cottage cheese and walnuts
Carrot soup and bread

4. Between meals

During cleansing your liver, you can further enhance your regimen by drinking certain health-promoting extracts. Choose any of the following and don’t hesitate to mix them up:

  • Dandelion
  • Mariehamn
  • Boldo
  • Artichoke

If you crave sweetness, add a little stevia or honey. The potency of these extracts is even stronger when steeped in lemon juice. If you drink these before going to bed, the effects are greater, as your liver is at its most active at night.

Cleanse your liver with this advice and feel healthier!

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