Improve Resistance Naturally

How can exercise improve resilience? As you move, your blood pressure rises, allowing white blood cells and antibodies to pass through your body faster.
Improve resistance naturally

Your immune system protects your body from diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. Thus, a strong immune system guarantees good health and helps maintain a good quality of life. Learn how you can strengthen your resistance naturally!

The function of the immune system is to identify and destroy extraneous organisms that invade the body. In fact, it is able to detect everything that is invading the body, and nothing goes unnoticed. But due to some daily factors or poor lifestyles, resistance can weaken, making us susceptible to various diseases. Fortunately, by changing your daily habits and using these natural means, it is possible to strengthen your body’s defense system.

Tips for improving your defense system

Before we advise you on how to improve your immune system when it is already weakened, here are some general recommendations for maintaining a strong immune system.

Eat low-fat protein

improve resistance by eating salmon

Experts advise eating moderate beef or pork to get the protein you need. But you can eat more fish and seafood that contain nutrients that are important for the immune system.

More fruit eating

Primarily, fruits contain vitamins A, C and E, which help keep your immune system in top condition. To get more vitamin A, eat carrots and green leafy vegetables. You get vitamin C from citrus fruits. If you need more vitamin E, add nuts and seeds to your diet.

Exercise for 30 minutes a day

exercise helps to improve resistance

Health professionals recommend dedicating at least 30 minutes a day to exercise – in addition to keeping you fit, it also boosts resistance. Physical activity helps transport white blood cells and antibodies faster through the body.

Avoid stressful situations

Stress can literally take away all your energy and starve your body’s defense system. Therefore, it is best to avoid all stressful situations and try to reduce the workload. Put things in perspective, join a yoga group, or walk your dog to relax and relieve stress.

Natural ways to boost the immune system

Once you have internalized the above recommendations, you can try the following home remedies to boost your immune system. Be sure to use them often as they help prevent many diseases and maintain your body’s ability to defend itself against viruses and bacteria.

Orange carrot juice

carrot improves resistance

Orange carrot juice is a delicious and easy-to-make juice at home that provides you with important nutrients, including vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system.


  • 1 carrot
  • 2 oranges
  • A splash of water

How do you make it?

Put the carrot in the juicer to separate the juice. If you make juice in a blender, add a little water. Then mix in the orange juice to get a real power drink for your defense system.

Kiwi-orange juice

Kiwis have an incredible amount of vitamin C. In this guide, kiwi combines the good properties of orange juice and the end result is juice that effectively elevates the defense system.


  • 2 kiwis
  • 1 tablespoon pollen granules
  • 1 orange

How do you make it?

Peel and chop the kiwis before placing them in the blender. Add pollen granules and orange juice, stir for a few minutes. Drink daily, especially during the winter when there is a higher risk of catching a cold and catching the flu.


Propolis is a beeswax made by bees that is used to cover the holes in the hive to prevent the spreads of bees. When we ingest it, it resists bacteria, disinfects and boosts resistance. Mix 20 drops of propolis with a glass of water and drink three times a day.

Defense enhancing smoothie


This juice combines the benefits of garlic, orange, onion and broccoli into an effective drink that strengthens the immune system. It may not taste the best, but its health benefits are amazing and it will help protect you from many diseases.


  • 1 orange
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 1 broccoli inflorescence

How do you make it?

Squeeze the orange juice and add all the ingredients to the blender. Stir until the drink is smooth. Drink it once a day for a week, take a month off and repeat.

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