5 Low Carb Foods

A healthy diet does not have to be an impossible challenge if we only know how to make the right kind of food choices. Adding a lot of low-carb options to these dietary choices can also help improve weight loss.
5 foods low in carbohydrates

It is important to remember that carbohydrates are one of the most important sources of nutrients as they provide the body with the energy it needs to maintain its body. The main types of carbohydrates obtained from foods are sugars, starches and fiber. To be as effective as possible, the body needs all three of these types of carbohydrates for its nutrients, whether it is a low carb diet or not.

Simple carbohydrates can be found in fruits, vegetables, milk and dairy products, among others. Simple carbohydrates also include processed sugars that are added to foods during their processing.

Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, are found in bread and whole grain products, as well as in starchy legumes and vegetables. Many of these complex carbohydrates are also excellent sources of fiber.

A balanced diet is an extremely important tool in the fight against many diseases. However, it is possible to limit the amount of sugar consumed in a varied diet, and in addition, light flour should always be replaced with whole and whole grain products.

Carbohydrates can be both simple and complex

Before making any changes to your diet other than your diet, it would be important to always consult an expert first. If your doctor has recommended a low-carbohydrate diet for you , here are a few options that are great for healthy and low-carbohydrate cooking.

Foods low in carbohydrates

1. Eggs

Egg yolk is rich in zeaxanthin, lutein and cholesterol and these antioxidants and carotenoids help maintain eye health. You can enjoy eggs as recommended, either one a day or two every three days.

There is no need to avoid the use of yolk in cooking, as long as you make sure you eat plenty of vegetables at the same time and avoid using excessive fat. Good egg recipes include:

  • Spanish potato egg with spinach
  • Scrambled eggs and ham
  • Eggs and fried vegetables

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is an excellent source of fiber

Broccoli is a delicious and versatile vegetable, as it can be enjoyed both cooked and raw. In addition, broccoli contains little carbohydrates and in one serving of broccoli you will only find 6 grams of carbohydrates!

Low carb broccoli also contains a lot of:

  • Vitamin C.
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin K.

Here is a satisfying, delicious and at the same time very healthy recipe that is suitable not only for a snack but also for a low-carbohydrate and light dinner:


  • 10 buttons of broccoli
  • Slice the cheese to taste
  • A pinch of salt

Preparation instructions

Cook the broccoli the way you want, either steamed or boiled in water. Season with salt. Strain the excess water and serve the cooked broccoli directly on the plate. Add the cheese you want over the broccoli and wait for the cheese to melt properly. Enjoy warm.

At the same time, this recipe is both a quick and a simple option, which is also great for those who don’t particularly like cooking or don’t know how to cook.

3. Salmon

Salmon is rich in both Omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for the body, as well as vitamins B12 and D3 and, best of all, salmon does not contain carbohydrates. 

Incorporating salmon into a low-carbohydrate diet is an excellent tool for preparing both varied and filling foods. Due to the salmon’s own fat content, it is advisable to avoid making this fish in butter, deep-fried or deep-fried.

To make the most of the health effects of salmon, we recommend eating this fish along with a variety of vegetables. In addition, you can enhance the taste of salmon with a variety of herbs and spices while avoiding the extra fat in making salmon.

4. Soybeans

One excellent choice for a low carb diet is soy and its products. The amount of carbohydrates depends a lot on how the soy is made:

  • 10 grams of solid tofu contains about 2 grams of carbohydrates.
  • One cup of soy milk contains about 4 grams of carbohydrates.
  • One cup of soybeans, on the other hand, contains about 14 grams of carbohydrates.

When buying soy and soy products, always try to choose the most natural and healthy option. Also, make sure that the soy product you choose does not contain too many carbohydrates. You can determine the amount of carbohydrates by reading the nutritional content of the pack and calculating the carbohydrates in the recommended portion size.

5. Peanut butter

Peanut butter contains only 7 grams of carbohydrates per serving. In addition to this, a serving of peanut butter contains up to 7 grams of protein and 16 grams of healthy fats.

Peanut butter can also be used for desserts instead of, for example, honey, chocolate or maple syrup.

Peanut butter contains only a few carbohydrates, but at the same time a lot of good fats and protein

How do these Low Carb options work? We are sure that after trying these options in your diet you will find out how delicious, practical and easily modified ingredients they really are!

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