How To Remove Heavy Metals From Your Body

Did you know that garlic has body cleansing properties? In addition, it improves blood circulation, and with this product you can promote the removal of many toxic substances from your body.
This is how you remove heavy metals from your body

You may have heard of the harmful effects of heavy metals in the human body on several occasions , but do you still know what these metals are and how they get into your body? How do you know if these metals have already accumulated in your body? Why are they so harmful that you should try to remove them? How do you remove heavy metals from your body, and how can you prevent heavy metals from accumulating in your body in the future? In this article, we will answer all of these questions, so read on to learn how to remove heavy metals from your body.

So this article is about harmful heavy metals in your body, and in the following we will tell you how you can prevent and remove them by natural means. This way, you can significantly improve your health, as heavy metals can cause many problems. Fortunately, however, these can be curbed with suitable food and natural nutritional supplements. Such products include chlorella algae, coriander, garlic and magnesium.

What are heavy metals?

Heavy metals are chemical elements that are more or less part of everything around us, starting with the composition of the earth and our own bodies. These include copper, cobalt, manganese, zinc, aluminum, lead and arsenic. The problem, however, is that as heavy metals accumulate in the body in large amounts, they begin to poison the body more and more. The same thing happens when these metals enter nature in different forms, and there they can persist for centuries.

What are the effects of heavy metals on humans?

Heavy metals are very difficult to remove from the body and therefore accumulate easily over time. From ancient times, Greek and Roman doctors documented the reactions of people exposed to heavy metals. These adverse consequences can include many debilitating phenomena.

  • Cancer
  • Kidney diseases
  • Liver diseases
  • Delayed development
  • Autism
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Joint diseases
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Nervous system disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Abnormal phenomena during pregnancy
  • Allergies

As you can see from the previous list, heavy metals have very serious consequences for human health, and removing them from the body is therefore very essential if you want to take care of your health.

How do heavy metals get into the body?

All over our environment, there are heavy metals in various forms. Here are some of the most common sources of heavy metals, as well as products containing those metals:

  • Lead pipes
  • Large fatty fish such as salmon, tuna or swordfish
  • Mercury thermometers
  • Energy saving light bulbs
  • Kitchen utensils containing aluminum or other heavy metals
  • Vaccines
  • Insecticides
  • Hygiene products and ordinary cosmetic products
  • Petrol
  • Tobacco
  • Food additives
  • Medicines
  • Water that comes from mines or industry, or that is otherwise just wastewater
  • Dental amalgam sites with mercury
Heavy metals end up in the human body e.g.  kitchen utensils containing them.

This is how you remove heavy metals from your body

In this article, we present natural ways to remove heavy metals from the body, and these treatments are based on certain natural nutrient supplements. They have so-called chelating properties, ie they bind to heavy metals, which thus end up leaving the body when they would otherwise remain in the body. Such supplements also have the advantage over drugs that they have no side effects at all.

Chlorella algae

This algae has a very effective detoxifying effect and can remove all types of harmful substances – not just heavy metals. This is due to the high content of chlorophyll in this algae, which is the most important ingredient in this treatment product.


This herb has been used very much in cooking as a spice, but it also has chelating properties. It is also high in vitamins – especially vitamins A and K as well as smaller amounts of vitamins B, C and E.


This medicinal product is highly recommended in the fight against many diseases and is also ideal for removing heavy metals from the body. Its cleansing ingredients help to remove all types of toxic substances from the body, and after this treatment, the famous Tibetan garlic treatment can be prepared to enhance the effect.


In fact, this mineral has no chelating properties at all, but it is very useful because it makes it easier to remove toxic elements.

You remove heavy metals from your body e.g.  with garlic.


These nutrients and food products should be eaten daily, either in tablets or other forms, and the amounts eaten should be based on the maximum recommended therapeutic dose for each person. You should also continue to eat these products for at least three months.

When you remove heavy metals from your body, it is possible that you will begin to notice some of the symptoms associated with the removal of toxins, such as pain, acne, or diarrhea, among others. These symptoms are due to your body trying to remove toxic substances effectively. This should therefore be taken into account and treatment should in no way be discontinued due to the occurrence of some of these common symptoms. Instead, continue to drink plenty of water during cleansing between your meals to make it easier to remove toxins and achieve effective cleansing.

In addition, it is always very important to avoid constipation during cleansing, as it makes it difficult to remove  heavy metals and may also cause re-poisoning of those metals by the body.

Also keep in mind that such a cleansing course should always be performed under the supervision of a doctor or other expert so that you can be sure that your procedures are suitable for you.

So you should definitely try removing heavy metals from your body with natural products, but be sure to first contact a healthcare professional!

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