Powerful Fat Burning Soup

The effectiveness of these fat burning soups is due to the nutritional properties of the ingredients they contain. These recipes contain just 40 kilocalories per 100 grams.
Effective fat burning soup

Fat-burning soup exists, contrary to what you might think. It is not a miracle trick or a magic trick just a mixture of ingredients that help cleanse the body of toxins. The soup is therefore cleansing and diuretic.

In addition to soup, of course, you must eat healthily. If you follow this diet strictly, you will lose a few pounds in a short time.

Attention! This diet is for emergencies only; extending it for more than a week can be dangerous to health. However, if you take a week break between each week of your diet, you can continue without any problems until you reach your ideal weight.


This effective fat-burning soup  is created with these ingredients :

  • 6 large onions
  • 2 medium sized peppers
  • 1 handful of celery
  • 6 medium tomatoes or one can of tomatoes
  • Cabbages or kale
  • 1 liter of chicken broth
  • A pinch of salt


green fat burning soup

The preparation of the soup is quite simple.

1. Put a liter of water (chicken broth) on the stove and wait until it boils.
2. In the meantime, wash and chop all the vegetables.
3. When the water starts to boil, put all the vegetables in a saucepan and let them cook until soft.
4. Once the soup is ready, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to a week. The soup can be eaten hot or cold (if you puree it).

How to eat it?

When the soup is ready, it’s time to start the diet. It will take seven days. Below you will find dietary instructions for each day of the week:

  • Day 1 : Eat soup all day + seasonal fruits (as much as you want, except bananas). You can also drink tea and coffee without sugar.
  • Day 2 : Eat soup all day + as many vegetables as you want.
  • Day 3 : Eat soup all day + as many fruits and vegetables as you want.
  • Day 4 : Eat soup all day + bananas and skim milk.
  • Day 5 : Eat soup once today + half a pound of white meat (skinless chicken fried in a pan or oven) + 6 medium-sized tomatoes with oregano and salt.
  • Day 6 : Eat soup once + lean meat fried in a pan or oven and as many cooked / steamed vegetables as you like. Today is Meat and Vegetable Day.
  • Day 7 : Eat soup once today + whole grain rice and as many fruits and vegetables as you want.

Another fat burning soup

woman eating soup

If the previous soup didn’t sound appealing, you can opt for another fat-burning soup. Below you will find the recipe.


  • 5 carrots cut into pieces
  • 3 chopped onions
  • half a pound of peeled tomatoes
  • whole chopped cabbage
  • half a pound of green beans
  • about 2 lira tomato juice
  • 2 chopped green peppers
  • 10 celery stalks, chopped with leaves
  • about 400 ml of broth
  • Salt, pepper and garlic powder for seasoning
  • Other herbs of your choice (coriander, parsley, etc.)


1. Put carrots, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, green beans, peppers and celery in a large saucepan.
2. Add tomato juice, broth and enough water to cover the vegetables.
3. Finally, season with salt, pepper and garlic powder.

Simmer the vegetables until soft in a saucepan. Put the soup in the refrigerator to keep it longer.

Why is this soup so effective?

excess fat in the stomach

The effectiveness of the soup is due to its ingredients. Cabbage is rich in potassium, sulfur, calcium and other minerals. The soup contains just 40 kilocalories per 100 grams.

  • Onion is a highly cleansing vegetable that contains a lot of water, sulfur, potassium and phosphorus.
  • Tomatoes are high in potassium and high in chlorine.
  • Celery is also high in potassium, as well as chlorine, sulfur, copper, calcium and sodium, which are alkalizing. Celery fights excess uric acid.

Always remember to ask a nutritionist for an opinion before trying a diet. This way, the body does not suffer from problems during it.

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