Cataract Prevention And Treatment By Natural Means

Prevention and treatment of cataracts by natural means

Cataracts are very strongly a 21st century problem. This is due to a number of reasons, such as an increasingly aging population and various issues related to nutrition and physical factors.

Causes of cataracts also include misuse of devices with a reflective screen, such as cell phones, computers, and tablets. All of these factors negatively affect a person’s visual organs, and this applies to both yourself and people older than you.

What is cataract?

A common cause of vision loss is that the lens becomes cloudy. This means that the magnifying glass that is located in the eye loses its transparency and begins to become more and more cloudy until it is finally a “curtain” that prevents the image from entering the retina.

This phenomenon can be described as follows: The lens in your camcorder is suddenly cloudy because it has accumulated dirt and is therefore no longer able to record video.

Cataract in the eye


Cataracts are a degenerative and painless process related to eye vision.  Its most obvious sign is the change visible to the eye, as it begins to look as if there is a “milky membrane” on it. This change then progresses to the entire pupil, and this thus loses its black color. The eye becomes increasingly gray as a person ages.

This phenomenon is due to the accumulation of protein in the lens of the eye,  which creates that “curtain”.  It obscures the light coming towards the retina of the eye.

what does cataract look like


This happens gradually over time, and the “membrane” may eventually completely cover the eye. In the most severe cases, it can even cause blindness. This disease can be found in almost half of the population over the age of 65.

In case of very severe cataracts, surgery may be necessary.  Nevertheless, in many cases, such a treatment does not lead to an improvement in vision. If this happens to you, contact your ophthalmologist for a plan that is appropriate for your personal situation so that you can help improve the situation.

However, there are options you can try before you choose surgery.  With the ways listed below, you can greatly reduce the progression of cataracts and even stop it altogether. If this still does not happen, you should, of course, consult an ophthalmologist.

The trick to these methods is that three-quarters of the lens is water and protein. The appearance of proteins is the factor that interferes with the way you see light. So in the following, we present a variety of treatments and procedures to help you cure cataract-related ailments. 

You should also keep in mind that cataracts are more likely in diabetics and women. The risk is even greater if you have cataracts in your family. In addition, there is a higher chance of getting sick if a person has been taking high doses of corticosteroids for years, or if they smoke.

cataracts and smoking


Suitability of the diet in the treatment of cataracts

  • Your diet should be high in vitamins A and C for cataract treatment , as these vitamins are very important for tissues. They are also essential for preventing eye function and lens deterioration. In order to get vitamin A, you should eat so-called red vegetables and fruits,  carrots, oranges, papaya, etc., as well as spinach. Spinach is a particularly suitable diet to prevent the development of severe cataracts. There are many different products to get vitamin C, such as spirulina (algae-based) as well as moringa leaves or oil.
  • Exclude sugary beverages from your diet, and generally exclude sugar. It causes your nervous system to weaken and degenerate, and for the same reason you should also avoid consuming products containing caffeine as well as alcohol.
  • You should include foods in your diet that are a natural source of antioxidants. These include orange, lemon, grapefruit, strawberry, dark grapes, broccoli, tomato, olive oil, and Moringa oil. Antioxidants fight free radicals (unstable oxygen molecules) that can accumulate in the eyes and thus cause cataracts.
  • Your diet should be high in Omega-3 fatty acids. You can take them as a supplement, or eat fish (especially blue), flax seeds, chia seeds, or various oils.  According to several studies, eating tuna once a week reduces the risk of developing cataracts by up to 12 percent.
  • The liquid in the eye should not be allowed to dry out. Drink plenty of water,  that is, at least two liters every day. You should also avoid eating very salty or spiced foods.
  • Your liver is in very close contact with your vision. So it is very important to take good care of it.

Other recommendations

Your behavior as well as your attitude towards your own life are very important factors in preventing, stopping or even healing cataracts. So keep the following in mind:

  • Get regular eye exams (adults). Also visit an Ophthalmologist every two years.
  • Protect your eyes from the sun’s UV rays. Wear sunglasses and / or a hat outdoors.
  • Avoid using tanning appliances to avoid exposure to UVA radiation. The ultraviolet rays of the sun, called UVB rays, are less harmful.
  • Wear an eye mask while you sleep if your room is not dark. The pineal gland produces melatonin (a hormone that causes the effects of aging to be delayed) during sleep, but this only happens if the eyes are in the dark.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Control diabetes.
  • Practice so-called eye relaxation. You do this by looking at some plant, green leaf, or green and calm grass for half an hour, which communicates a calm inner state of being.

Organic medicine believes that cataracts are the result of tension in the muscles of the eye caused by poor diet and disease. This has been observed in the fact that cataracts are more common in diabetics and smokers and do not develop in all the elderly. The above factors cause a decrease in the blood in the lens of the eye as well as a lack of nutrients. In order to prevent cataracts, the right type of diet, which includes a lot of nutrients, as well as exercise are very good means. This will help prevent muscle tension in the eye.

Known cures for cataracts

  • Honey is a well-known aid in cataract prevention. Put pure (unprocessed) honey in your eyes. This has an antibiotic effect and helps to cleanse and nourish the eye.
  • Prepare the anise or raw potatoes do, put it in sachets, pouches and put in your eyes every day for one hour.
  •  A tea containing cayenne pepper or herb taken once a day slows the progression of cataracts.
  • Eye drops from filtered sea salt.  This may be an uncomfortable experience the first time, but it won’t hurt your eyes, and you can repeat this every day.
  • A few drops of lemon diluted in serum or pure water. This may burn your eyes if they are dirty, or if you have conjunctivitis, but as a treatment, this is very effective and also does not harm the eye.
  • Castor oil. Dampen your fingers with the oil and gently place it in the corner of your eye so that the oil spreads by itself. Moringa oil is also a good product, but it feels a little more burning in the eye due to its antibiotic properties. Repeat the treatment for at least a month. You can also use flaxseed oil or cod oil, putting a drop in your eyes every night.
  • You can use aloe vera by putting two or three drops of pureed fruit flesh in your eye.
  • Cold onion pieces. Put the onions in the fridge for half an hour and then let them on your eyelids for five minutes.
  • Make gauze for the eyes by boiling chamomile (25 grams), back (30 grams), one potato, half a cucumber and flax seeds (15 grams) in one liter of water. Dip the gauze in the liquid and put on your eyelids.

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