8 Reasons For Nail Fragility

Poor nail care can be the reason they look cloudy or brittle. Don’t damage your nails, and be sure to take care of moisturizing them if you want to improve their condition.
8 reasons for nail fragility

Treatments related to nail fragility are becoming more common. Nail care has become a big part of women’s beauty routines, and nails are part of a well-groomed look today. Sometimes even to such an extent that they can be one of the first things other people notice.

Where to help with nail fragility

To promote the fragility of your nails and promote their overall well-being, you can use a variety of treatments and products developed by the cosmetics industry that keep them strong. By doing such nail treatments regularly, you will be able to avoid nail brittleness.

Despite this, it is difficult for many to keep their nails looking beautiful and healthy, as some bad habits can significantly affect their condition.

Thus , it is worth first finding out what is the cause of nail damage and embrittlement before spending large amounts of money on various nail treatments.

So now we want to tell you what are the habits that interfere with such nails – here come the eight most common reasons for nail fragility.

1. Improper nail polish removal method

the removal of nail polish affects the brittleness of the nails

Nail polish allows you to decorate your nails with different styles and colors. When it comes to removing varnish, many are accustomed to it being torn or scraped off, which is by no means good for the nails.

Of course, this method may seem rather harmless, but it changes the protective surface of the internal structure of the nail, and as a result, a fracture then begins to appear.

  • It is best to always use a nail polish remover when you want to get rid of nail polish, and you should also choose a product whose chemical composition is not harmful to the nail.

2. Chewing leads to nail fragility

This is a clear thing for everyone, meaning that chewing is the kind that causes a great deal of embrittlement and breakage in the nails.

While this is one way to get anxiety and stress out, it causes the structure of the nail to deform and can also lead to severe inflammation.

Deterioration of the natural gloss of the nail can prevent the nail itself from growing.

3. Cleaning without protective gloves

cleaning without gloves will result in nail fragility

While this habit is common and often feels harmless, the use of chemicals used in cleaning can be detrimental to nail health.

Many of the substances contained in these products affect the gloss of the nails as well as damage the cuticles.

  • It is important to  wear protective gloves during housework,  especially when handling detergents, bleach and other similar products.

4. Using nails instead of other tools

Yes, nails are effective tools in many situations, and they can make many chores easier – however, nails should never be used in the same way as tools.

When you tear patches, open cans, or do something else with your fingernails, you may weaken their structure, which then increases the likelihood of breaking.

  • So try using other tools to deal with this kind of thing – even better it would be to use gloves to protect your nails.

5. Poor wetting of the nails

the brittleness of the nails is affected by wetting them

Do your nails look cloudy and dry? Insufficient humidification can also make them brittle in a short time.

Just as with the skin, nails should be constantly moisturized so that they can grow well and reduce the strain the environment puts on them.

  • Put a moisturizing cream on the surface of your nails, and also be sure to drink more water if you want to moisturize your nails.

6. Do you pay attention to your cuticles?

Cuticles are a very important part of the nails, and thus their care is also essential. They provide protection for the nails against external factors.

Nevertheless, some people leave the cuticles out when caring for their nails, or they may be removed with cutters and tweezers.

  • Ideally, the cuticles should be kept moisturized, and the right kind of products should be used to keep them in good condition.
  • To remove dead skin cells that may have accumulated, use a special cuticle removal product.

7. Using too much gel nails

putting gel nails affects the brittleness of the nails

Excessive use of these nails may impair the natural structure of the nails.

While they make your hands look great and last a long time, important nutrients are lost from your nails when taken out.

  • It is very important to use such supplements only with the help of an expert and to choose the right products to remove them so that the right nails do not suffer from this.

8. Wrong way to file nails

Nail files are a great help to improve the condition of your nails when used properly.

The problem is that some use them to clean the surface of the nail, which can result in deterioration, breakage and even inflammation.

On the other hand, if the goal is a more square shape of the nail, it is easily filed too close to the skin and thus remove important points from the structure of the nail.

  • If you do not know how to file so that it does not hurt, ask your nail care professional for help.

Do you have trouble getting your nails to stay strong and healthy? Perhaps the reason is that one or more of the ways we now mention will damage your nails.

If so, try to get those habits out of your daily routine, and also be careful when choosing treatments for your nails.

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