8 Foods That Can Cause Cancer

8 foods that can cause cancer

Many studies have shown that diet has a big impact on how vulnerable you are to getting sick.  What you eat affects all over your body, and food can have either a negative or positive effect on your health. Malnourished foods that contain a lot of chemicals or additives can, at worst, lead to illness and even cancer. In this article, we take a closer look at those foods that have a detrimental effect on the body. So avoid these foods, which can potentially cause cancer.

Certain foods that you consume every day without thinking much about it can cause cancer in the long run. Cancer does not develop in an instant, but over a long period of time, so it is worth focusing on a healthy diet from childhood.

Foods that can cause or worsen cancer

Genetically modified foods

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are known as transgenic foods that have significantly negative effects on the body. A tomato designed to stay fresh for a long time is one example of a genetically modified food. Maize designed to be resistant to pesticides is another example.

Genetically modified foods are plant types whose genetic characteristics have been altered. Scientists are applying their properties by feeding plants new genetic material, such as bacteria that can resist pesticides.

We don’t always know we eat genetically modified food, as some foods may only consist of partially genetically modified ingredients. For example, soybeans, corn, and canola are the most common genetically modified substances. You avoid eating genetically modified foods by choosing from organically produced foods.


read the labels

Processed meat

Highly processed meat products such as cold cuts, bacon, sausages, etc. contain chemical preservatives that keep the products usable and edible for a long time. However, these chemicals can cause cancer. Nitrate and sodium, which are full of these meat products, have been linked to, for example, colon cancer.

If you want to eat meat, choose the freshest and most unprocessed options with no added salt. Prefer meat producers who feed the cattle grass, not corn.

Popcorn made in the microwave

Popcorn is a partner of many movie nights, which is completed in the blink of an eye and satisfies the craving for snacks. The micropoppers are ready in minutes and can be eaten straight from the bag. However, the compounds contained in micropoporns, together with microwave radiation, have been found to increase the risk of cancer and infertility. Micropoporns use e.g. diacetyl, which gives popcorn a strong taste – diacetyl has been shown to be associated with serious lung diseases. In addition to all this, many of the substances used in micropoporn are genetically modified. Leave the micropoppers on the store shelf and prepare the popcorn yourself in a saucepan from the corn kernels.

Soft drinks

Carbonated soft drinks can cause cancer. This is due to both the high amount of sugar and the additives, chemicals and dyes contained in soft drinks. Soft drinks make the body acidic and nourish cancer-causing cells.

Switching to sugar-free soft drinks does not help, as they contain aspartame, which is even more harmful than sugar. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that increases the risk of cancer. In addition to aspartame, soft drinks use sucralose and saccharin, which can also be dangerous if used in excess. So switch to soft drinks in water, freshly squeezed juice or other healthy drinking options.


soft drinks can cause cancer

Bleached flour

Wheat flour and other bleached flours are a common ingredient in many different products, especially in pastries, biscuits and breads. Flour contains a large amount of carbohydrates, which are converted into sugar in the body and this raises blood sugar levels considerably.

Regular eating of bleached flour in various forms can even lead to a double risk of breast cancer. Constant sugar in the bloodstream or sugar spikes feed cancer-causing cells in the body and can thus increase the risk of developing cancer. Choose whole grains (brown or yellow in color) instead of wheat, don’t buy wheat bread, but try baking your own bread with rye flour or whole grain flour.


Sugar is one of the body’s greatest enemies, and the body does not get any nutrients from it. Sugar works in the body in the same way as bleached flour, meaning it raises blood sugar and accelerates the growth and spread of cancer-causing cells. Also, be sure to avoid foods that contain glucose-fructose syrup, or corn syrup (this is one of the most common substances used like sugar), which is very harmful to the body. Exclude biscuits, pastries, juices, cakes, cereals and soft drinks from your diet. Use stevia or honey instead of sugar.


sugar can cause cancer

Trans fats and hydrogenated fats

Such fat is often used to ensure the shelf life of highly processed foods and foods. However, these fats are harmful to the body as they can alter cellular tissues and at worst lead to the development of cancer. Trans fats have crept into many different foods that many of us buy and use every day.

Intensively produced vegetables and fruits

Fruits and vegetables are marketed healthy, so how did they end up on this list? The reason is not the vegetables and fruits themselves, but how they are grown and processed. Several fruits and vegetables arrive at our dining tables from long distances and have been processed both during the growing stage and for transportation with many different ingredients.

For example, apples are often recommended to be peeled before eating, as their shells contain a wide variety of chemical compounds such as insecticides and preservatives. The fruit is intended to remain edible and beautiful for a long time, so various chemicals are used to grow it. These chemicals end up in the human body when ingested and can cause cancer in the long run.

Prefer organic options especially for apples, grapes, strawberries, potatoes and coriander. Choose as many organic products as possible in your shopping cart to make sure that no chemical pesticides or preservatives have been added to the foods you eat during the growing phase or during transport. Prefer locally produced food or base your own vegetable garden, the closer the food comes to your table, the less it needs preservation and the fresher and healthier it is.

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