8 Brightening Tricks For White Laundry

The best natural products for bleaching clothes are those that are not too aggressive and can also be used many times. Try it for yourself and switch the store’s products to home solutions when you want to brighten up your white laundry!
8 brightening tricks for white laundry

No matter what the quality of the clothes in your closet, fabrics can lose their original whiteness for many reasons. That’s why you should read these eight brightening tricks for white laundry!

Use the following tips to help you get your  white clothes back to the condition they were in when you bought them, so you can also wear your clothes for longer.

There are some recommendations that prevent it from the so familiar yellowish or greyish color that easily gets on clothes after several washes.  That way, you won’t have to throw away your favorite clothes because they no longer look neat.

With these tips, you’ll see that white clothes are still worth buying, as keeping them in good condition isn’t quite as difficult as you thought. The best part is that many products are natural and you don’t have to spend large sums on ready-made trade solutions.

So keep reading if you want alternative ways to restore the whiteness of your clothes – here come eight brightening tricks for white laundry!

1. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda


Necessary ingredients

  • 1 cup hydrogen peroxide (250 ml)
  • ½ cup of baking soda (100 g)

How is this done?

  • Mix the ingredients until you get a paste, and then apply it with a brush to the areas you want to bleach. Wash clothing as usual.
  • In case you want to bleach the whole garment, you should mix this mixture with two liters of water and then  leave it on for two hours. Finally, then wash the garment normally in the washing machine.

2. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Ammonia is a powerful cleaner that can enhance the removal of even very difficult stains.

When using this product, make sure you have plastic gloves in your hands and that the space is well ventilated.

Necessary ingredients

  • 4 drops of ammonia
  • 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide
  • 2 liters of water

How is this treatment done?

  • If you want to bleach the whole garment, you should mix all the ingredients in the recipients and then  let the mixture work for a few hours.
  • Then wash the garment with a regular detergent.

3. Gas to help remove oil stains

Oil stains, like blood stains, are some of the most difficult stains to remove. To get rid of them, you should use the gas found in cigarette lighters.

How is this done?

  • To get rid of even the most difficult stains, let the gas work with the stain until it evaporates. Then repeat this process until the stain fades completely.
  • Finally, wash the garment as usual.

4. Aspirin

8 brightening tricks for white laundry: aspirin

If you do not want the clothes to turn yellow, you should  add 3-4 aspirin tablets to the washing machine drum.

This is a great product  especially for  removing sweat stains.

How is this done?

  • The stains left by the sweat are made to disappear by mixing the  aspirin with a small amount of water, and then the mixture is applied to the stain  for several hours.
  • Later, you can then wash the clothes as usual.

5. A piece of bread to remove makeup stains

If you have these persistent stains as ruiners of a shimmering white shirt, there’s a solution that’s very easy: you can take a piece of bread to help you and get rid of this type of trace.

How is this done?

  • All you need is a  slice of bread, which you then shape into a ball.
  • Press the stains with bread,  but do not apply them further to the fabric, and then wash the garment as usual.

6. Glass cleaning fluid to remove ink stains

If you need to remove ink or other stains from the pen, you can use glass cleaner here.

How is this done?

  • Put a napkin on the stain to prevent the other half of the fabric from getting wet.
  • Then apply the liquid to the stain and leave on for five minutes.
  • Then wash the garment as usual.

7. Lemon

lemon for white laundry

Lemon can be one good product to get your clothes back to their white, original color.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 cup water (200 ml)
  • Juice from one lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide

How is this done?

  • Before putting white clothes in the washing machine, leave them to soak in water, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide for about an hour.
  • When the time is up, wash your clothes as usual – you will notice the difference with the Warranty!

8. Boric acid for removing sweat stains

Boric acid can be a great help when you want to remove irritating sweat stains from clothes.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 teaspoon of boric acid
  • Water (as needed)

How is this done?

  • To fade sweat stains, mix one tablespoon of boric acid with water until you get a paste.
  • Apply the mixture to the stain and  leave to act for 15-20 minutes. After this time, wash the garment as usual.
  • Another option is to mix a tablespoon of boric acid with an effective detergent and then put the mixture in the washing machine so you can get your dyed white clothes in their former condition.
  • However, be careful here, as  boric acid should not be used very often. Use it to the maximum every third time you wash stained clothes!

Are these 8 brightening tricks for white laundry new to you for stain removal? Try it if you want to bleach your clothes!

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