7 Reasons To Try A Fruit Called Oka-annoona

Because it contains calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients, this strangely named fruit is a highly recommended food for women, the elderly and children, for example.
7 reasons to try a fruit called oka-annoona

Oka-annoona, also known as graviola and guanabana , is a tropical fruit that has long been  valued for its medicinal and health-promoting properties.

It provides a rich dose of vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants. These strengthen the resistance as well as provide protection for the cells.

Oka-annona contains fiber and essential amino acids that improve digestion, metabolism, and cardiovascular health. The taste is good, which is why this fruit can be used in a wide variety of foods, and thus  gathering its health benefits is no problem.

Have you ever heard of oka-annona before? If not, no wonder, because it’s a tropical fruit. However, you should add it to your diet if possible. If you can’t find it fresh, it can be found in the health food store in the form of capsules.

Now we will tell you more about the many benefits of oka-annoonan – keep reading!

1. It gives a lot of energy


Regular intake of oka-annona is a good way to combat morning fatigue and other such problems caused by low energy intake.

  • This fruit is high in fructose, a type of natural sugar that  acts as a “fuel” for your cells.
  • It contains vitamins and minerals that  improve blood circulation and oxygen delivery to cells.
  • Because it contains complex carbohydrates, your metabolism speeds up and you are better able to  keep both your physical and mental fitness good.

2. It protects the nervous system

Oka-annona is a good source of folic acid, vitamin E and essential minerals and produces a positive effect on the human nervous system.

  • It is rich in B vitamins, which improve blood circulation and help correct imbalances in the nervous system.
  • Vitamin B2 relaxes the nervous system and improves human cognitive function.
  • Oka-annoona also helps control the production of stress hormones and promotes well-being.

3. It strengthens bones

oka-annoona strengthens bones

Because oka-annona contains calcium, phosphorus and B vitamins, this special fruit is a highly recommended food for women, the elderly and children, for example.

  • Thanks to these essential minerals and vitamins, oka-annoona helps to strengthen bones as well as prevent a decrease in bone density.
  • It is an ideal nutrition during bone growth, and it also helps prevent bone damage caused by aging.

4. It improves digestion

For some time now, eating okoka has been recommended as a natural treatment for slow digestion and constipation.

  • It is high in fiber, so it improves intestinal function and promotes the removal of waste from the body.
  • The prebiotic effect helps to strengthen the bacterial growth of the intestine, and thus this fruit  prevents the development of indigestion and inflammation.
  • It improves the absorption of nutrients and helps in the processing of fat and protein.

5. It prevents high blood pressure

oka-annoona is good for blood pressure

People at risk for high blood pressure will benefit particularly from weekly dosing. If you enjoy it regularly, it will work for your bloodstream in the following ways:

  • Fiber reduces the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, which prevents blockage in the future.
  • Potassium and magnesium help regulate sodium levels and prevent fluid from accumulating in the tissues.
  • Oka-annonaa improves blood circulation and helps keep arteries flexible.

6. It helps relieve pain

Fruit juice produces  an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect that can be utilized in the treatment of many common ailments.

  • Oka-annona is recommended for headaches and muscle tension as it improves blood circulation and reduces pain.
  • It is helpful in relieving abdominal pain and muscle cramps.
  • Regular use can even reduce the risk of arthritis, muscle injuries and other chronic problems.

7. It strengthens your resistance


The numerous nutrients contained in Oka-annona help keep your immune system strong and active.

  • A 100 gram dose provides up to 20 mg of vitamin C, a  nutrient needed to ensure the body’s production of antibodies.
  • It contains iron, folic acid, and magnesium, all of which are necessary to respond to an attack.
  • It is recommended to more effectively prevent and treat many types of inflammation.

So try oka-annoona as soon as the opportunity arises! This fruit is not very familiar to Finns, but it still has many properties that make it worth including in your diet if possible – fresh or dried.

Try it in juices, desserts, salads or smoothies, for example, or enjoy it just as it is.

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