6 Movements To Reverse Cellulite

6 movements to reverse cellulite

In cellulite, adipocytes form clusters surrounded by fibrous connective tissue. Enlarged fat cells press on the blood and lymphatic vessels, disrupting blood and lymphatic circulation, and the cells’ metabolism and oxygen supply suffer. In addition to fat, fluid and waste products accumulate in the tissue, and the difference between cellulite and healthy adipose tissue is that healthy adipose tissue is evenly distributed on the skin and is soft, while cellulite is an encapsulated fat where fat cells are enlarged and clumped. This is visible and feels like orange peel.

Cellulite is found in almost everyone and accumulates especially in the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and arms. Cellulite is significantly more common in women than men: 90% of women get cellulite, about 40% of men. Cellulite is not dangerous, but many want to get rid of it and restore skin smoothness.

A healthy diet, exercise, stretching and adequate fluid intake smooth out adipose tissue and prevent the formation of new cellulite. Treating cellulite requires time and determination, and the skin is not smoothed in a few weeks. Movements that focus on muscle condition help burn fat, firm muscles, and smooth the skin, which is why in this article we share the best movements to remove cellulite.

1. Squats

This is one of the most effective and simplest movements that works on both thighs and buttocks. By activating large muscle groups, you improve blood circulation, strengthen muscles and burn fat. There are many different versions of the squats, and once you learn to do them right you can try different squat sets to train your legs and buttocks. Squats firm the buttocks and thighs, and at the same time visible cellulite disappears.

step squats to remove cellulite

This is how you do squats

  • The difficulty and strain of the squats depends on the position in which you do them and whether you use extra weights.
  • You can start training squats in the traditional way. Get into a pelvic-width crotch position, bend your knees and lower your butt towards the floor. You can spread your hands on the sides or place them on your hips. Descend as far as you can without your back flexing and push yourself back to a standing position. Pushing your hips forward as you get up.
  • As your muscle builds up, you can intensify your squat sets by doing jump squats or using dumbbells.

2. Step squat

The squat is an effective movement that eradicates cellulite by firming the thighs and buttocks.

This is how you do squats

  • Stand with your back straight and step back with your left foot. The right foot stays in front of the body, with the toes pointing straight ahead.
  • Lean the weight on your hind leg and hook the knee of your right leg at a 90-degree angle.
  • Check that the knee does not bend beyond the ankle when descending towards the floor.
  • Keep your chest straight, activate your abdominal muscles and stay in position for 5 seconds.
  • Return to starting position and repeat 10-15 times. Do the same with your left foot.

3. Don’t forget the calves

woman on a stepboard

This movement trains the calf muscles: you burn fat, strengthen the muscles and eliminate cellulite.

Foot training for cellulite removal

  • Stand on the edge of the bench or step board so that the heels are outside the board.
  • Push yourself up on your toes and then return to the starting position.
  • Make three sets of 15 repetitions.

4. Abdominal exercises

Cellulite can also occur in the abdominal area, so if you want to get rid of it, you should also train your stomach. So add abdominal movements to your plan. You can start with this simple move:

This is how you do abdominal movement

  • Get on your back on the exercise mat, bend your knees and place the soles of your feet against the mat.
  • Place your hands behind your neck, activate your abdominal muscles and lift your upper body towards your knees. Do not strain your neck or back.
  • Repeat 20 times.

5. Stretching and balance exercises

woman stretching

This movement involves both exercising balance and stretching the muscles. The movement strengthens the buttocks and thighs, making it ideal for expelling cellulite.

This is how you do it

  • Get on your back on the exercise mat and push yourself into a plank position: place your body weight on your palms and toes and keep your spine straight.
  • Lift the left leg straight up so that it is in line with the spine.
  • Hold the position for 3 seconds, lower the foot back to the floor and repeat 15-20 times with each foot.
  • When lifting your foot off the floor, focus your attention especially on squeezing your buttocks and activating your abdominal muscles.

6. Elastic bands help with your workout

You can use elastic bands for extra power for muscle fitness movements. Elastic bands are also helpful if you don’t quite bend over to the most demanding movements and want to keep your posture straight.

This is how you do it

  • Lie down on your right side, keep your legs straight and place an elastic band around your ankles.
  • Place the left foot on top of the right and lift the top foot straight up.
  • Keep your foot straight and stay in position for 5 seconds, then bring your foot back over your right foot.
  • Repeat 15-20 times on each side.

Are you ready to try this challenge? When you perform these movements regularly, you will notice positive results after a few weeks. Remember that in addition to these movements, it is important to eat healthily and drink enough fluids.

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