5 Features Of An Empathetic Partner

If your partner is an empathetic person enough for you, you will be able to be yourself at all times, and you will not be afraid of becoming ringed if you show how you feel.
5 enough empathetic partner traits

Without sufficient empathy, there is no emotional connection. There is no recognition and no real reciprocity if the relationship lacks empathy.

Most of us use a lot of different psychological terms on a daily basis. It is therefore quite strange if someone does not yet know more about the concept of empathy, or if someone has not even heard of this basic term in human relationships.

What if, however, it is the case that  many people have a distorted or even misconception of the word empathy?

First, keep in mind that  being empathetic with someone doesn’t just mean “putting yourself in another person’s position”.

This is a much more complex and intimate matter. It requires action and use, not just feeling or understanding a feeling.

After all, in a relationship, it is not enough to just know that your partner is suffering. Being empathetic also means being able to respond effectively, usefully, and according to a specific need.

So this time, we want to tell you about five basic things so you can identify  how much empathy there is in your own relationship. By considering these things, you can determine if the empathy you experience in your relationship is really helpful in  strengthening your bond and trust and in meeting the other person’s needs.

Keep reading and consider if you get the kind of empathy you need in your relationship  !

1. There are three types of empathy – do you use them all yourself?

three small birds

Then let’s go from general level words to the most concrete things. In order to fully understand empathy, you need to find out what its main factors are and what dynamics define them.

Thus, it is helpful to understand that there are three types of empathy, and they should all be practiced on a daily basis with a partner.

  • Emotional level empathy: “I feel what you feel”. This means  you understand another person’s suffering, you notice his happiness, you see his worries, you put yourself in his position, and you know what hurts him.
  • Cognitive empathy: “I understand what you are going through”. This is not just about knowing, but also about showing a  genuine understanding of the other person  and understanding what something has accomplished and why that consequence has occurred.
  • Compassionate empathy: “I know you suffer. I know why you suffer and I want to help you: I want you to feel good ”. In this case, there is a  real desire for the partner to feel well as well as be happy, calm and content.

2. I know what you feel, but I don’t judge you

Let’s use an example here to make it easier to understand:

Elina arrives home from work very late. She’s had a bad day and she’s tired and tears are close.

When Kalle, her partner, sees the look on Elina’s face, she knows things haven’t gone well. She feels another anxiety and notices her depression.

However, Kalle collapses to condemn Elina: “The problem is that you take everything too seriously… All people take advantage of you. You just don’t know how you could be confident. ”

In this case, then, we have another party that  uses emotional empathy, but he or she is unable to form a useful and effective compassionate empathy  that facilitates and helps the other person.

3. I will put myself in your position, but I will not cease to be myself

woman holding a heart

As we mentioned at the beginning of this text, it is not enough for you to put yourself in another person’s “shoes” or his situation.

Here you  have to go through the process of bringing up and sensitivity,  but without losing yourself and without losing your own personal perspective.

For example, if you see that your partner is suffering and you are not maintaining your strength and internal balance in the situation, most likely you are amplifying the other’s suffering and not actually helping him or her at all.

True empathy, which is helpful, is able  to go into another person’s heart in a way that keeps the person’s own heart safe.

4. Empathy is also about understanding the mistakes made by another

A happy and stable couple who is able to grow in a joint project is also able to  understand and be empathetic about each other’s mistakes.

I understand that you failed in the project that is on your mind. I know how hard you tried, and I understand how you feel. You were wrong when you trusted those people, and maybe I would have made the same mistake myself.

This type of empathy, which allows you to  understand that people are not perfect  and that relationships are not always going to be easy, is the most useful empathy. It’s the empathy that  helps the most when it comes to a two-person life project.

5. He is receptive to all your feelings

man in black and white but woman in color

Some people are afraid to cry in front of their partner. They do not express their fears in order to avoid the other’s concerns, nor do they tell the partner certain things because they are afraid of how the other will react or how he or she will receive the matter.

One thing must be clear here:  whenever there is fear in a relationship, the connection is not genuine and is not satisfactory or healthy.

A person should have total and absolute confidence so that he can show his partner everything he feels, at any moment.

A couple is a union with  two life partners who can face any thing together,  both bad moments and good.

So it is the case that if your partner shows enough empathy for you, you can be yourself with him at all times without fear of sharing any thoughts or feelings with him.

So consider whether there is anything that would be good for empathy to improve or strengthen in your own relationship.

The main image of the article is from © wikiHow.com.

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