3 Smoothies To Remove Intestinal Problems

3 smoothies to remove intestinal problems

Many suffer from intestinal problems, even if they do not know it themselves. Their symptoms include stomach and intestinal problems, anal itching, eating disorders, and nervousness. If you have pets, your risk of getting intestinal is higher than otherwise. Today we tell you how to make smoothies to remove intestinal cramps!

So in this article, we’ll talk about smoothies that bring healthy and medicinal effects that help eliminate intestinal problems. These drinks should be enjoyed every morning for 15 days to give them an effective and natural anti-intestinal treatment.

Important: Always drink these smoothies on an empty stomach!

Consuming intestinal detoxifying drinks as soon as you wake up in the morning will give you the best effect to expel those organisms. When your body has rested properly during the night, it is ready in the morning to absorb the nutrients provided by the drinks.

removal of intestinal parasites

If you suspect you may have intestinal problems, you  should drink these drinks every morning for 15 days, and always on an empty stomach. They can also serve as a substitute for breakfast, so give it a try!

If you enjoy a drink (and breakfast in general) before 7 a.m., it will be most beneficial to you, as Chinese medicine says the gut is at its most effective stage.

Dietary guidelines for removing intestinal cramps

It is very important that you take in the right  foods if you suspect that you have intestinal problems – these organisms get their food specifically from the food you eat.

These smoothies do not contain any harmful ingredients, and we therefore recommend that you avoid certain products during the period you follow this milkshake regimen to expel the intestines.

  • Sugars:  Both white sugar, honey and syrup are a parasitic delicacy. The only sweetener you are allowed to use during a course is stevia, which can be enjoyed either in its natural form or processed.
  • Milk: Milk is also not recommended during the expulsion of intestinal parasites. You can still use vegetable milks or even a kefir drink, which is also used in one of the recipes we have presented.
removal of intestinal parasites

These foods should also be avoided during the course:

  • Processed flour
  • Fried foods
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Dairy products (cream products, ice creams, etc.)

Fig and pumpkin seed intestines

Figs are delicious, and this fruit naturally promotes and regulates intestinal function. It also brings sweetness to this drink, so you don’t have to add much separate sweetener.

Pumpkin seeds are an ancient way to eliminate intestinal parasites, and they also have other beneficial properties that make them worth using to promote health anyway.

What ingredients do you need for this smoothie?

  • 3 figs dried or fresh. However, if you use dried figs, they should be soaked for at least 2 hours.
  • 30 raw pumpkin seeds that are peeled.
  • 1.2 dl of water, natural juice without sugar, or vegetable milk (rice milk, almond milk, etc.).
smoothies to remove intestinal lesions

Papaya and kefir

Papaya is a tropical fruit that is a good help in treating many diseases as well as improving the intestines and stomach – this includes the expulsion of intestinal parasites. If you add a few papaya seeds to your drink, you will enhance its healing effects on your body.

Kefir is a dairy product that improves the intestinal bacterial population and is a vital aid in removing intestinal parasites.

The two ingredients combine in this smoothie in a delicious way, and the texture of the drink is creamy. It is suitable for the whole family to enjoy and can be sweetened with stevia.

What ingredients are needed for this drink?

  • 1.2 dl peeled papaya
  • 15 papaya seeds
  • 1.2 dl kefir drink (if you make it yourself, use goat’s milk if you want less lactose)
  • Stevia for sweetening to your liking
Papaya for the removal of intestinal parasites

Grapefruit and olive oil

This smoothie is not quite suitable for every person’s taste buds. However, it is an awesome cleansing drink that is beneficial in expelling intestines and also helps cleanse the kidneys and liver.

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit that cleanses and, as with papaya, its seeds are useful in removing intestinal parasites.

Olive oil (virgin olive oil) facilitates the elimination of pathogens from the body and has numerous other good properties that are beneficial to your health.

This smoothie is more caring than delicious, but it’s worth drinking alternately with the other drinks we’ve introduced. You can also drink it just before going to bed.

What ingredients are needed for this treatment?

  • 1 peeled grapefruit with seeds in good condition
  • A tablespoon of virgin olive oil

If your blender isn’t very efficient and you can’t use it to chop grapefruit seeds, you can eat them as is before you start with the drink. You can also add a little stevia to this drink to improve its taste.

Intestinal off grapefruit

Try these powerful smoothies if you suspect or know you have intestinal parts – they are a natural and delicious way to remove intestinal cramps!

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