10 Foods To Lose Weight Healthily

Pineapple can help cleanse the body as well as fight fluid buildup. You may want to drink a glass of pineapple juice at breakfast or alternatively after a large meal to promote digestion.
10 foods to help you lose weight healthily

Everyone knows that losing weight is no easy task. Miracle diets do not exist, and weight loss always means that a person puts effort into it. It is also important to follow the right kind of diet to lose weight in a healthy way. One such healthy way is to eat so-called stuffed foods.

Often when we want to drop a few pounds we end up causing ourselves to feel hungry. We try to eat less so we can limit the number of calories that end up in the body. Eating filling but weight-promoting foods is a very effective solution if you want to give yourself a feeling of satiety without excessive amounts of calories. So in this article, we’ll talk about 10 foods that are very filling but low in calories – they help you lose weight in a healthy way.

10 foods to help you lose weight healthily

1. Oats

Oats help you stay full for a long time and lose weight in a healthy way.


Oats are the best choice for breakfast and are one of the healthiest grains you can eat to lose weight in a balanced way.

  • It is a natural source of fiber.
  • It gives you a feeling of satiety that lasts a long time and allows you to avoid eating snacks between meals.
  • Oats are rich in B vitamins and minerals.
  • It helps fight bad cholesterol, protect your heart, and balance your blood sugar levels. Awesome product overall!

So oats are the perfect ally in your efforts to lose weight, so it’s definitely worth including in your breakfast routine!

2. Green apples

Green apples help activate metabolism.

We have already discussed the incredible benefits of green or Granny Smith apples for weight loss in many of our previous articles. Their biggest benefit is that they help control blood sugar levels as well as activate metabolism. You should also eat the peel of these apples, as the pectin it contains will give you the best health benefits.

You can eat apples whenever you feel hungry. This way, you can cope better for lunch or dinner without having to turn to snacks or other fattening foods. Plus, these apples are really delicious, so don’t leave them out of your diet!

3. Pineapple

The bromelain contained in pineapple helps reduce swelling.

Pineapple is the perfect help for those people who are trying to lose weight. It is one of the best dishes at any time of the day. Even a glass of pineapple juice for breakfast or a delicious spinach, walnut and pineapple salad for lunch. For dinner, you can even eat a tasty chicken breast and pineapple meal.

Pineapple is rich in vitamins and, most importantly, it contains bromelain. This is an enzyme that reduces swelling and helps you cleanse your body as well as reduce fluid retention.

4. Salmon

The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon help promote weight loss.

It is true, of course, that salmon is not a cheap choice, but it is definitely worth including in a weight loss diet. Here are some reasons for the usefulness of salmon:

  • It is rich in nutrients and low in calories.
  • It is high in vitamins and minerals such as iron and iodine, as well as vitamins A and D.
  • Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are a perfect help in weight loss.

5. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate may promote weight loss.

Chocolate for weight loss, can this be true? Yes, but here you should always remember one thing: the chocolate should be dark, and in fact as dark as possible. It should not contain any milk.

Chocolate is one of the best foods that effectively increases satiety, and it also gets a lot of minerals and antioxidants. Of course, it is also a very delicious option! Chocolate is perfect for an oat-based breakfast. However, it is good to remember this fact: it is not worth eating more than 28 grams of chocolate daily.

6. Avocado


If you eat one avocado a day as part of your salad or breakfast, you will feel much fuller throughout the day. According to the Nutrition Journal , avocado is one of the best foods to prevent snacks from smothering, and this is especially true if you combine chocolate with your breakfast.

We recommend that you eat only half an avocado a day, as this product contains quite a lot of calories. However, it’s a great addition to a wide variety of servings, so a weight watcher should definitely start eating avocados regularly but reasonably!

7. Egg

The egg makes you feel full.

We have talked about the benefits of eggs many times already, and they are worth mentioning here too! Did you know that eggs give a great feeling of satiety? The best way to make eggs is to cook without oils or any other such products that may become more fat or calories.

Eggs should be combined with mushrooms (which are also a good stuffing by the way), or they can be eaten on the side of a grilled chicken breast, for example, with mustard sauce. All in all delicious!

8. Legumes

The breeder can use e.g.  in a salad.

Legumes are filling and can be prepared in a number of different ways so you can enjoy many types of healthy meals. For example, you can make a delicious salad for lunch by adding legumes to spinach, boiled egg and chopped tomato, for example. This kind of satiety meal ensures that you don’t have to snack on snacks between your meals.

9. Capsaicin

Chili contains capsaicin.

If you’re a friend of chili, don’t change your habits! Namely, chilies are extremely filling and high in capsaicin, which is a satiety-producing ingredient that speeds up your metabolism. Thus, you burn more fat and it also acts as an effective pain reliever.

These products are able to curb your appetite, so you should keep them on the spice rack permanently. Give it a try!

10. The best satiety-giving vegetables

Tomato, broccoli and Kale are ideal foods for weight loss.

Tomato, Broccoli and Kale are awesome vegetables for anyone who wants to lose weight. Whether you eat them raw or steamed, you should add them to salads, for example, or you can enjoy them with whole grain rice, for example. Your health will thank you, as will your silhouette – so start benefiting from these delicious vegetables every day and you will lose weight with it!

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